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No Man's Sky [PS4, PC]

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Aktueller Gameplay-Trailer von der E3:

--- Zitat von: ---Hello Games zeigte von "No Man's Sky", das im vorigen Jahr für Furore sorgte, neue Spielszenen mit Weltraumkämpfen und einer kurzen Erkundungsmission auf einem prozedural generierten Planeten. Abgesehen vom Ziel, zur Mitte der Galaxie zu gelangen, bleib die Motivation, warum man die unzähligen Sterne und Planeten besuchen und erforschen sollte, aber nebulös.

--- Ende Zitat ---

--- Zitat von: ---Gameplay

No Man's Sky is a procedurally generated open universe game. Players take the role of a planetary explorer with a spacecraft, allowing them to explore the surface of numerous planets and interact with the flora and fauna, and take to space, engaging in combat with hostile forces and travel to other worlds. Planets and other features of this universe are procedurally generated; though initially built based on a 32-bit number processor, the final game will use a 64-bit seeding key, with the developers stating that this allows for more than 18 quintillion possible planets. The game will have online features that allow players to share details of planets they have visited with other online players, and will allow players to visit these planets through a large galactic map once they have upgraded their ship for hyperdrive capabilities. In August 2014, the developers announced that the game would be playable offline.

The game will feature planetary exploration, deep oceans, space-based battles, resource gathering, and potential predators on the various procedurally-generated worlds. Each world has its own ecosystem with potentially unforgiving conditions, such as desert worlds with large carnivorous worms. Players are initially given an uncharted universe to explore, where information about any planet's characteristics and lifeforms may be shared and updated with others.

No Man's Sky does have a larger goal, to reach the center of the galaxy, driven by the availability of resources to the player, which improve as the player moves towards the center of the galaxy. Players need to collect, sell, and trade resources to acquire better ships and more fuel that lets them explore the more-centralized areas of the galaxy. Hello Games' co-founder Sean Murray stated that a player could reach the center of the galaxy with between forty to one hundred hours of gameplay without focusing on any additional exploration, but will hope players instead find themselves involved in other activities enabled by the open nature of the game, such as managing a trade route or studying all the possible flora in the universe.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Kommt für PS4 und PC, Termin noch unbekannt.

Also von sowas hab ich optisch geträumt, wenn ich seinerzeit EPIC aufm Amiga gezockt hab :D ob es mich heute noch flashen würde...müsste ich ma testen

Also ich find's immernoch richtig geil und freu mich RIESIG drauf.

Hat das mal jemand gezockt hier und kann was zu sagen ?

Ich schaue es nur als Let's Play.
Gefällt mir schon sehr gut und spricht auch meinen Sammel- Erforscher- und Handelsspanne an, aber es ist halt leider schier endlos.
Und wenn man sich nicht auf den Hauptweg konzentriert, sondern von anderen Dingen ablenken lässt, dann ist es unglaublich zeitintensiv.
Grob geschätzt locker das Ablenkpotential von Fallout4, allerdings problemlos dreimal, fünfmal, zehnmal, hundert mal.... So lange.
Da die 16 Milliarden, Trillarden Planeten zufallsgeneriert sind kann man sich praktisch sein komplettes Leben damit beschäftigen.

Daher schaue ich vorerst nur.


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