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3 From Hell (The Devil's Rejects 2)

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Eigentlich ist die Geschichte für mich auch durch, denn das Ende von dem Original ist einfach nur megageil. Und lässt ja eigentlich auch keine Fortsetzung zu. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere hatte Rob Zombie doch auch mal gesagt dass er das Ende so für richtig hält, da somit jede Form einer Fortsetzung der Wind aus den Segeln genommen wird.
Andererseits fand ich es schon immer etwas schade, dass es keinen weiteren Film mit diesen Figuren geben

Dreh hat jetzt begonnen, Film wird "Three from hell" heißen. Bill Mosley, Sid Haig und Sheri Moon sind mit von der Partie.


Rob Zombie has confirmed "3 From Hell" as the title of his next movie, a sequel to his 2005 horror hit "The Devil's Rejects". The film, which started shooting earlier today (Tuesday, March 13), is said to continue the story of the Firefly clan — Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding, Bill Moseley as Otis and Sheri Moon Zombie as Baby — whom we saw go down in a torrent of bullets at the end of the first film.

It's not clear whether Zombie plans to resurrect the Firefly trio from the dead in some kind of supernatural fashion in the new film or has found a way to explain that they survived the original movie's climactic shootout.

"The Devil's Rejects" is widely considered Zombie's best film. It's a semi-sequel to his directorial debut, 2003's "House Of 1,000 Corpses", which introduced the Firefly family.

Zombie told The Pulse Of Radio a while back that he was approached by the studio in record time about making a sequel to "House Of 1,000 Corpses". "I went away for the weekend [the film opened], so they couldn't find me till Monday," he said. "So it was basically Monday. I think the film opened, like, on Thursday and I was gone, and they couldn't find me, so by Monday they were already talking about it. Depending upon what you spent and what you made, I mean, that movie was profitable after one day. Whereas you get these other movies where they're, like, 'Oh my God, it made $100 million!' and it's still $100 million in the hole because they just spent so much."

According to Bloody Disgusting, Zombie is in negotiations with Saban Films and Lionsgate to release "3 From Hell" in theaters, VOD, and home video. Zombie distributed his last movie, the partially crowdfunded "31", through both companies.


Naja zu erklären dass die drei DAS überlebt haben wäre hochgradig blöd. Three from HELL deutet denke ich schon auf ne "Wiederauferstehung" hin, wie auch immer er das erklären will. Im Grunde wäre ja schon bei Ho1000C eine übernatürliche Komponente drin, denn Dr. Satan ist ja nicht wirklich als menschlich anzusehen

Was soll's, her damit. Ich rechne nicht damit, dass die Genialität des zweiten Teils nochmal erreicht werden könnte, aber freue mich dennoch, die Figuren wieder zu sehen.


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