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    was ist die erfolgreichste Musikgruppe im Tierreich?

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    If you are lost in the darkness, search for a light!

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        Boing Bumm Chack Chack
        Boing Bumm Chack Chack

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            Drumsolo oder wie?
            Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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            Offline Havoc

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              Die unumstößlichen Naturgesetze...  :lol:

               1. Law of Mechanical Repair
               After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.  :lol:

               2. Law of Gravity
               Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe.

               3. Law of Probability
               The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.   :uglylol:

               4. Law of Random Numbers
               If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal; someone always answers.

               5. Variation Law
               If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now.

               6. Law of the Bath
               When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone will ring.

               7. Law of Close Encounters
               The probability of meeting someone you know INCREASES dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. :D

               8. Law of the Result
               When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, IT WILL!

               9. Law of Biomechanics
               The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

               10. Law of the Theaters and Sports Arenas
               At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk.

               11. The Coffee Law
               As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

               12. Murphy's Law of Lockers
               If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers. :D

               13. Law of Physical Surfaces
               The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.

               14. Law of Logical Argument
               Anything is possible IF you don't know what you are talking about.

               15. Law of Physical Appearance
               If the clothes fit, they're ugly. :lol:

               16. Law of Public Speaking

               17. Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy
               As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it OR the store will stop selling it! :D

               18. Doctors' Law
               If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor; by the time you get there, you'll feel better. But don't make an appointment and you'll stay sick.

               19. Wealth Law
               When you finally obtain it, you're too old to properly enjoy it.
              “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

              Offline Havoc

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                Gleich mal ausdrucken und in der Wohnung verteilen. :D
                “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                Offline Bloodsurfer

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                  Offline Havoc

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                    Leider hab ich nur das Bild. :D
                    “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                    Offline JasonXtreme

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                      MUAHUA das brauch ich ganz, dann schick ichs meiner Frau per Whatsapp :uglylol: das gibt nen entspannten Abend
                      Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                      Offline Havoc

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                        Und ganz
                        « Letzte Änderung: 27. Juli 2016, 10:47:23 von Havoc »
                        “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                        Offline JasonXtreme

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                          Sehr gut, danke :D
                          Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                            Ich wusste ja garnicht, dass Detlev Steves bei Disturbed singt!?  Für jene die es nicht wissen, Steves is so ein Reality TV "Star" und Choleriker vom Dienst - Ash kennt den :D

                            Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                            Offline Coltaine

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                              Leider hab ich nur das Bild. :D

                              Sehr sehr geil.

                              Wird ausgedruckt und in die Küche gehängt. Die neue Handlungsmaxime!

                              Offline JasonXtreme

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                                Also ich krieg keine Antwort, komisch - sonst is sie immer recht schnell bei whatsapp
                                Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                                Offline Havoc

                                • Bürohengst sucht Paragraphenreiterin
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                                  Habs auch gleich mal verschickt. :D
                                  “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                                  Offline Havoc

                                  • Bürohengst sucht Paragraphenreiterin
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                                    Hah :)

                                    Meine hat gefragt wo das Handbuch für den guten Ehemann wäre.

                                    Gleich mal antworten, dass der nicht so doof ist, dass man es ihm aufschreiben müsste. :D
                                    “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                                    Offline Bloodsurfer

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                                      Faszinierend, den Zerfall einer Beziehung hier live mitlesen zu können... :D

                                      Offline Havoc

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                                        Awwaa! Mei Aldi kennt misch doch gnau so. :D
                                        “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                                        Offline JasonXtreme

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                                          Da wett ich drauf :lol:
                                          Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                                          Offline Havoc

                                          • Bürohengst sucht Paragraphenreiterin
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                                            Die ist Erzieherin und handelt ganz entspannt nach dem Motto: "Lass ihn halt rumspinnen". :D
                                            “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                                            Offline Bloodsurfer

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                                              Offline Havoc

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                                                Einfach eine Halogähnlampe auf den Nachttisch stellen.
                                                “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                                                Offline JasonXtreme

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                                                  Let me introduce you....

                                                  ... the new Forumsgrill!? :D

                                                  Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                                                  Offline Havoc

                                                  • Bürohengst sucht Paragraphenreiterin
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                                                    Wenn der aber mal richtig durchgezogen hat, möchte ich da nicht dran sitzen.

                                                    Da schmort es dir doch die Nasenhaare und die Augenbrauen weg. :shock:
                                                    « Letzte Änderung: 26. August 2016, 11:34:47 von Havoc »
                                                    “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”