Beyond High Definition - der Blu-ray-Thread

Ed · 859 · 196314

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.

Offline Havoc

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    Kleiner erster Eindruck zur Alien Anthology  :bd:

    Habe gestern nur mal den ersten Teil (Alien) geschaut um mir ein Bild von der Überarbeitung für die BD zu machen.

    Wow!  :shock:
    Wenn man sich das Bild anschaut, glaubt man nicht dass der Film schon über 30 Jahre auf dem Buckel hat.
    Nochmal ein riesiger Schritt im Vergleich zu den schon sehr guten DVDs.
    Aber das was hier noch rausgezaubert wurde ist schon fast phänomenal, und dabei habe ich mir das nur auf meinem kleinen 32" HD Ready angeschaut.
    Sehr scharfes und detailreiches Bild und einen großartigen Schwarzwert an den passenden Stellen.
    Nur ganz wenig Filmkörnung und die auch nur in ein paar Szenen.

    Überarbeitung bei Teil 1 auf jeden Fall mehr als nur gelungen.
    Wechsel hat sich hier für mich schon gelohnt. :)
    “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

    Offline Masterboy

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      kann ich bestätigen!

      Man kann ewig weit in die Korridore hineinsehen. Knackscharfes Bild.
      | Filmsammlung | Meine Vinyls | PSN/XBOX: MIYAGI1980 |

      Offline JasonXtreme

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        Dann wird das Ding demnächst endlich mal eingesackt :)
        Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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        Offline nemesis

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          Kurze Anmerkung zu dieser VÖ:

          Mal durchgeskippt, und das Bild ist durchweg ordentlich. Paramount hat hier nicht irgendwelche Rauschfilter drübergeklatscht, sondern einen imo sauberen Transfer hingelegt. Natürliches (aber nicht aufdringliches) Grain, gute Schärfe. Eine deutliche Verbesserung.

          Offline Sing-Lung

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            Hab jetzt hier nich den ganzen Thread durchforstet, vielleicht steht es ja schon irgendwo aber

            die :bd: von Thor haut ja mal richtig auffe Scheisse! :shock: Habe mich ein paar Mal selbst dabei erwischt, Lautstärke zurück zu stellen weil das Sofa vibriert hat! :p

            Offline Nation-on-Fire

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              Hab jetzt hier nich den ganzen Thread durchforstet, vielleicht steht es ja schon irgendwo aber

              die :bd: von Thor haut ja mal richtig auffe Scheisse! :shock: Habe mich ein paar Mal selbst dabei erwischt, Lautstärke zurück zu stellen weil das Sofa vibriert hat! :p

              Lag bestimmt eher an der Bohnensuppe.....


              • Gast
              Kann jemand was zur BD von "Eyes wide shut" sagen??

              Hab mir die UK-Scheibe für 4,99 € bestellt (dt. Ton).
              Wollte den Film schon lange auf BD haben...

              Jetzt lese ich bei Amazon aber was von "Bildquali unter VHS Niveau" ???

              Das wär echt sehr schade  :|
              « Letzte Änderung: 06. Dezember 2011, 10:46:05 von Crash_Kid_One »

              Offline skfreak

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                Kann jemand was zur BD von "Eyes wide shut" sagen??

                Hab mir die UK-Scheibe für 4,99 € bestellt (dt. Ton).
                Wollte den Film schon lange auf BD haben...

                Jetzt lese ich bei Amazon aber was von "Bildquali unter VHS Niveau" ???

                Das wär echt sehr schade  :|

                Guck mal hier:

                Falls du Sie wieder loswerden willst - melde dich ;)


                • Gast
                Okay, danke dir für den Link, schau ich gleich mal rein! :)

                Nee, loswerden will ich sie sicher nicht mehr :D Auch, wenn die Quali nur mittelmässig sein sollte.

                Hey, nen 5er bei PLAY, da kannste doch auch zuschlagen ;)

                Offline nemesis

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                  Kann jemand was zur BD von "Eyes wide shut" sagen??

                  Hab mir die UK-Scheibe für 4,99 € bestellt (dt. Ton).
                  Wollte den Film schon lange auf BD haben...

                  Jetzt lese ich bei Amazon aber was von "Bildquali unter VHS Niveau" ???

                  Das wär echt sehr schade  :|

                  "unter VHS Niveau" halte ich mal, ohne die BD von dem Film zu kennen, für maßlos übertrieben. Kann mir (auch wenn Warner gerne mal Böcke schießt) nicht vorstellen, dass sie überhaupt schlechter als die DVD ist. Bei dem Preis sowieso nicht. Zumal viele im HD-Zeitalter Makel am Film auffallen, die man zuvor nicht so extrem bemerkt hat. Wenn ich schon lese, wie viele sagen "Filmkorn hat bei HD nichts mehr zu suchen!", kann ich nur den Kopf schütteln. Korn entsteht durch chemische Prozesse und ist natürlicher Bestandteil des Filmmaterials.

                  Einziges Manko der BD ist wohl das Bildformat, das nicht mehr - wie von Kubrick eigentlich gewollt - 4:3 ist.

                  Offline Ed

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                    "unter VHS Niveau" halte ich mal, ohne die BD von dem Film zu kennen, für maßlos übertrieben. Kann mir (auch wenn Warner gerne mal Böcke schießt) nicht vorstellen, dass sie überhaupt schlechter als die DVD ist. Bei dem Preis sowieso nicht. Zumal viele im HD-Zeitalter Makel am Film auffallen, die man zuvor nicht so extrem bemerkt hat. Wenn ich schon lese, wie viele sagen "Filmkorn hat bei HD nichts mehr zu suchen!", kann ich nur den Kopf schütteln. Korn entsteht durch chemische Prozesse und ist natürlicher Bestandteil des Filmmaterials.

                    Einziges Manko der BD ist wohl das Bildformat, das nicht mehr - wie von Kubrick eigentlich gewollt - 4:3 ist.

                    Amen! Die einzigen BDs, die ich hatte, die nachweislich unter dem Niveau der DVD war, war HERO (ausgerechnet der *heul).
                    Kampf der Titanen das Original war noch verheerender, aber da weiß ich nicht, wie die DVD aussah - vermutlich auch nicht besser.

                    VHS halte ich mal wieder für maßlos ;)


                    • Gast
                    Danke euch, dann warte ich mal auf das Scheibchen und hoffe auf eine "scharfe" Nicole :braue: :D :D

                    Offline skfreak

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                      Kampf der Titanen das Original war noch verheerender, aber da weiß ich nicht, wie die DVD aussah - vermutlich auch nicht besser.

                      Das war echt eine Frechheit! Letztlich ist die BD quasi die DVD

                      Offline skfreak

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                        Kann jemand was zur BD von "Eyes wide shut" sagen??

                        Hab mir die UK-Scheibe für 4,99 € bestellt (dt. Ton).
                        Wollte den Film schon lange auf BD haben...

                        Jetzt lese ich bei Amazon aber was von "Bildquali unter VHS Niveau" ???

                        Das wär echt sehr schade  :|

                        Grad gesichtet - das mit VHS ist dummes Gelabber!
                        Der Film ist - wie man es von Warner wohl auch erwarten kann :roll: - weit davon entfernt Referenz zu sein: Dafür stören zu viele Makel.
                        Dennoch ist das Bild etwas besser wie DVD-Niveau. Von daher also voll okay!

                        Offline skfreak

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                          Zitat von: Jean Rollin Blog
                          In what is among the most exciting Jean Rollin related news to come out in quite awhile, Kino Lorber announced yesterday that they have acquired the Redemption Catalogue here in the states and their first releases will be five of Rollin's greatest on Blu-ray in the spring of 2012. The Nude Vampire, The Shiver of the Vampires, The Iron Rose, Lips of Blood and Fascination will be the first to hit Blu in newly remastered versions transferred from the original negatives! All will include new extras and these promise to be finest Jean Rollin presentations ever on home video. More details can be read over at Twitch Film and I will of course be covering these exciting new releases as they hit in the upcoming months!

                           :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
                          Geile Sache!! Hoffentlich kommen die nicht Region locked - dann sind auf jeden Fall mal Lips of Blood und Fascination mir :!:

                          Und Kino Lorber hat bestätigt das Sie Region-Free sein werden :dance: :woohoo: :dance:

                          Boah, wie endfickendgeil :!: Ein Sneak-Peek gibt's hier:
                          Noch 29 Tage. Und dann vermutlich noch mal 3 Wochen Post. Also in 50 Tagen ist nochmal Weihnachten für mich :D

                          Offline JasonXtreme

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                            das freut mich für dich, hoffentlich wird die quali auch gscheit was :)
                            Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                            Offline nemesis

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                              COPLAND  :bd:
                              ok, sowas ist mir noch nicht untergekommen! :1: fürs Bild und für den Ton! Das Bildformat ist bekanntlich nicht korrekt, und somit bekommt man leichte EIerköpfe, es ist dunkel, verrauscht und verwaschen wie Sau! Der Ton ist dermassen leise abgemischt, dass man doppelt so laut drehen muss, und ist allenfalls als STereo Ton vermerkbar. So eine Scheibe auf den Markt zu werfen grenzt an eine Frechheit.

                              Was die alte BD angeht, die - wenn ich mir da diverse Screenshots so ansehe - aussieht wie ein SD-Upscale, gibt es ab dem 5. Januar Abhilfe:


                              Vermutlich (oder hoffentlich) wurde das gleiche Master benutzt:

                              Offline Ed

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                                Über Weihnachten die alten Star Wars durchgekloppt.

                                Teils unglaubliche Qualität - kann sich locker neben aktuelle Filme stellen: jede Hautpore von Han Solo, jedes Härchen auf Jodas Kopf und jeder Fett-Fingerabrduck auf Vaders Helm!

                                Ein absolutes MUSS!

                                Offline skfreak

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                                  Zitat von: Jean Rollin Blog
                                  In what is among the most exciting Jean Rollin related news to come out in quite awhile, Kino Lorber announced yesterday that they have acquired the Redemption Catalogue here in the states and their first releases will be five of Rollin's greatest on Blu-ray in the spring of 2012. The Nude Vampire, The Shiver of the Vampires, The Iron Rose, Lips of Blood and Fascination will be the first to hit Blu in newly remastered versions transferred from the original negatives! All will include new extras and these promise to be finest Jean Rollin presentations ever on home video. More details can be read over at Twitch Film and I will of course be covering these exciting new releases as they hit in the upcoming months!

                                   :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
                                  Geile Sache!! Hoffentlich kommen die nicht Region locked - dann sind auf jeden Fall mal Lips of Blood und Fascination mir :!:

                                  Und Kino Lorber hat bestätigt das Sie Region-Free sein werden :dance: :woohoo: :dance:

                                  Boah, wie endfickendgeil :!: Ein Sneak-Peek gibt's hier:
                                  Noch 29 Tage. Und dann vermutlich noch mal 3 Wochen Post. Also in 50 Tagen ist nochmal Weihnachten für mich :D

                                  Review von Fascination:

                                   :dance: :crazy: :bang: :love: :wow: :new_Eyecrazy: :jump: :applaus: :pray: :uglylove:

                                  Offline nemesis

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                                    Hier noch was zu den BDs::

                                    Zitat von:

                                    JEAN ROLLIN ON BLU-RAY: THE NUDE VAMPIRE REVIEW

                                    by J Hurtado, January 14, 2012 10:43 AM
                                    CONTINENTAL EUROPE & RUSSIA, CULT, EXPLOITATION, USA & CANADA
                                    When I started reviewing Kino discs, I had no idea that they would be so perfect for continuing series. However, after the positive feedback I got from the Buster Keaton series, and Kino's new partnership with Redemption Films and their collection of Jean Rollin classics, I thought this was the perfect time to start up another series. As such, I bring to you the Jean Rollin on Blu-ray series, where I'll follow all of Kino's Rollin releases, enjoy!

                                    Jean Rollin was definitely one of a kind. He was at the front of a wave of filmmakers who took horror genre conventions and used them as a point of departure into other, sometimes far deeper, realms of thought and expression. Collectively, the films made by French and Spanish filmmakers in this realm are generally referred to as le cinema fantastique, where the films are not so much horrific, but fantastical and ethereal in nature. Rollin's second feature, La vampire Nue (The Nude Vampire) was a warning shot to anyone who thought that a vampire film meant only one thing. It set the bar for Rollin's future features and introduced many continuing themes and tropes unique to his films. Kino's first Rollin Blu-ray is a wonderful disc that looks and sounds great and includes several quite interesting extra features. Trust me, you're going to want all of these.
                                    A surreal blend of horror, espionage, and erotica, THE NUDE VAMPIRE follows the son of a wealthy businessman as he is lured into a secret cult that is conducting experiments on a mute vampire woman being held in captivity. With this visually vibrant and eerily seductive film, French filmmaker Jean Rollin sealed his reputation as a master of Euro horror/fantasy.
                                    Right from the very beginning it is obvious that this is no ordinary vampire film, and certainly nothing that could've been anticipated by horror fans. The film is dark and mysterious and makes great efforts to put forth an atmosphere of dread and unease at every turn. The air is mysterious, the characters shrouded in shadow, sometimes hidden behind masks, and never quite who they seem. The Nude Vampire is, as a said above, not a scary film, but is it a fantastic film, in the literal sense of the word, and it is a must see for anyone who thinks they've seen it all.

                                    Recounting the plot is something I try to avoid in reviews in general, and this is no exception. Jean Rollin's films are not ever about what happens on screen, but about how it happens. The central character is a wealthy young man, Pierre, who runs into a woman streaking through the night wearing nothing but a translucent cape. She's being chased by a group of figures wearing animal masks who are attempting to corner and retrieve her. They eventually succeed and so begins Pierre's investigation into what went on that night.

                                    Pierre's investigation leads him through all sorts of different levels of late '60s occult mania.  There are cults, mysterious scientific laboratories, more hooded figures, plenty of naked ladies, and the ever present Rollin vampire twins. In this case they aren't literal vampires, but the female twin figures are something that he introduced in this film and they followed him throughout his career.

                                    Unlike his contemporaries in Italy and the UK, who were making vampire films meant to horrify and disgust, Rollin had other ambitions. His films were meant to engage his audience on a cerebral level, and to titillate without becoming crass. The sexual freedom displayed in Rollin's films was still something somewhat new, and is far closer to the Radley Metzger of that period than it is to the Russ Meyer films in the early '70s. This was a formula that Rollin honed to a fine point in his vampire films over the next decade or so before succumbing to the financial pressure to make porn films and branch out into other types of macabre offerings. However, his best films were always the ones about vampires.

                                    The Nude Vampire is not my favorite Rollin film. It is a bit indulgent, even for him, and a bit too morose to be as entertaining as a film of this type should be. Bear in mind, though, that this was only his second feature after Rape of the Vampire. Where this film does bear visiting is its introduction of many standard features of the Rollin film, many of which I mentioned above. His later films all take pieces from this film and elaborate upon them, making his work all very interconnected in a very interesting way.

                                    I really like The Nude Vampire. It isn't as obtuse as some might have you think. Just because there isn't a whole lot of action, doesn't mean that nothing is happening. The interesting inclusion of several plot devices not standard to vampire films, scientific experiments and transdimensional portals, etc..., make this well worth checking out.

                                    The Disc:

                                    Kino's first Rollin disc looks great!  The films have all been remastered in HD in the last year and cleaned up to a large extent. As is common practice from Kino, no unnecessary digital manipulation has been done on this image. There are the odd bits of damage here and there, but over all it looks excellent with a natural looking image and vibrant colors. There are two audio tracks, both the original French version with English subtitles, which I watched and found quite adequate but about as hollow sounding as most audio tracks from that era, and an English dub, which is not too terrible. Both sound lovely, and I wouldn't even hesitate to check out the English dub, it does add something to some of these older features.

                                    In terms of extras, all of the material for Kino's disc is new as far as I can tell, and very interesting. There are two segments with Rollin, himself, one introducing the film and a separate interview segment that is considerably longer.  These are both interesting in terms of Rollin's recollections of the film, and it is great to have him on film talking about these works, since he is gone and we won't get this opportunity again. I do with he'd been subtitled, even though he is speaking English, his accent is a bit thick and occasionally tough to decipher. There is also an interview with a longtime collaborator Natalie Perrey, who talks about her own career as a 1st AD and star in some of Rollin's work. Great work on both sets of interviews.

                                    The final and most substantial extra is also shared by each of the new discs, and that is a 20 page booklet with as essay from Video Watchdog editor and horror expert Tim Lucas. This is a wealth of information about Rollin features and history that is worth the price of the disc along. Unfortunately, each of the discs uses the same booklet, so if you read it once, you may be disappointed to find it again in each of the sets, but it is so good, I'll probably read it all five times I open a disc to review it. Another resource I highly recommend is Cathal Tohill and Pete Tombs' excellent research book Immoral Tales, which delves even deeper into Rollin's work among other giants of this brand of cinema.

                                    This is one of the releases that Rollin fans have been waiting for for a long time, and I dare say the wait was worth it. In a couple of days I'll get back to my reviews with The Shiver of the Vampires, which is a much more fun and less serious film. I'm looking forward to it and I hope you read it as well!

                                    DVD DETAILS
                                    BONUS FEATURES:
                                    - Mastered in HD from the original 35mm negative
                                    - French with optional English subtitles
                                    - English dubbed version
                                    - Introduction by Jean Rollin (2 min.)
                                    - Interview with Natalie Perrey (4 min.)
                                    - 20-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
                                    - French and English theatrical trailers
                                    - Original trailers of four other Rollin films

                                    Zitat von:

                                    JEAN ROLLIN ON BLU-RAY: THE SHIVER OF THE VAMPIRES REVIEW

                                    by J Hurtado, January 18, 2012 12:05 PM
                                    CONTINENTAL EUROPE & RUSSIA, CULT, HORROR, SCI-FI & FANTASY, USA & CANADA
                                    Our look into the films of Jean Rollin on Blu-ray continues with his third feature, The Shiver of the Vampires (Le frisson des vampires). Shiver finds Rollin exploring the possibilities of the vampire myth in a completely different, yet somehow more conventional way than his previous two films. The piercing black humor in this film makes it one of my favorites, and it really benefits from the HD upgrade. Kino's Blu-ray of this film is beautiful, though not without its fair share of print damage, and definitely worth the upgrade.
                                    When a honeymooning couple visit the crumbling estate of the bride's ancestors, they discover her closet is filled with more than skeletons: a sinister lesbian vampire, a pair of nubile handmaidens, and two vampire hunters who have been recruited into the ranks of the undead.
                                    The above synopsis give you a basic idea of what happens in Shiver, but it gives you no inkling as to how fun the film is. Where The Nude Vampire was more of an exploration on the nature of vampirism, Shiver is a vampiric romp. The film opens with a couple of newlyweds on their way to their honeymoon who make a stop at the castle of the bride's cousins only to be told they've recently died. Rather than move along, she decides that she must stay overnight to mourn their passing. Within seconds of their entry into the castle, shit starts going crazy, antics ensue.

                                    If you were to mention the idea of a black comedy with vampires to people today, they would immediately conjure images of some bullshit like Vampires Suck, which just goes to show how far we've fallen as a civilization. Shiver isn't a straight comedy, but there is enough levity in the script, and particularly the characters of the cousins, to keep the film from disappearing up it's own asshole.

                                    Shiver of the Vampires finds Rollin continuing to test thematic tools he'd revisit over and over (and over) again throughout his career. There are the ubiquitous female twins, the lesbian vampiress, the modern abandoned castle, numerous graveyard scenes, crazy lighting schemes, and numerous invented rituals. It all sounds very dark, but the film is really a blast. The vampire cousins, who seem much too old to be cousins of our bride, are fantastic characters, well drawn and exuberant, whose presence makes the film more fun than it has any right to be.

                                    We're introduced to the characters and led through key plot points with jaunty '60s sounding guitar twang that undercuts the seriousness of what's going on onscreen, but fits the feeling perfectly. The music is one of my favorite parts of Shiver, and I may be seeking out a soundtrack to the film as a result. It sounds like straight '60s garage band stuff, sort of menacing, but mostly just goofy. It really adds another dimension to the film in a way that only a perfectly matched background score can.

                                    In case you couldn't tell, I loved The Shiver of the Vampires, and place it high among my Rollin favorites. The combination of dark imagery and light hearted vampire hijinks really hit a sweet spot for me. As is the case with most of Rollin's stuff, this isn't mean to be scary, and it certainly isn't, but it is something even better, it is entertaining. Highly recommended stuff.

                                    The Disc:

                                    Kino/Redemption's disc of Shiver is only the slightest step down in quality from The Nude Vampire. There are a few moments of significant print damage marring the film, but those cannot be helped. The conditions in which the negatives were stored must have been compromised. Apart from those few brief moments, the film looks great and sounds wonderful. There is plenty of very natural looking film grain and Rollin's extreme lighting is preserved beautifully. The audio fares significantly better, with the above-mentioned score coming across beautifully, and both the French language track and the marvelous English language dub sound great with no major damage. This is one case where I would make an argument for both audio tracks, as the English language version retains much of the excitement of the film without being hammy.

                                    In terms of extras we get a couple of interviews along with the fantastic Tim Lucas essay that accompanies all of the discs. There is an extended introduction by Rollin, as well as a forty minute interview which I really enjoyed, though, again, I wish it'd been subtitled even though he is speaking English.

                                    If you only purchase one of these discs, Shiver of the Vampires would probably be my choice. Great stuff!

                                    DVD DETAILS
                                    Special Features:
                                    - Mastered in HD from the original 35mm negative
                                    - English dubbed version
                                    - French with optional English subtitles
                                    - Introduction by Jean Rollin (2 min.)
                                    - Interview with Jean Rollin by Dr. Patricia MacCormack (39 min.)
                                    - 20-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
                                    - Original trailers of four other Rollin films

                                    P.S.: Warum hast du eigentlich nicht schon längst einen Rollin-Thread aufgemnacht?

                                    Offline skfreak

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                                      Offline Havoc

                                      • Bürohengst sucht Paragraphenreiterin
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                                        • Let me show you its features, hehehe!
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                                        Den Thread würde ausser mir doch  keiner lesen ;(

                                        Das stimmt so nicht.  ;)
                                        “When I ride my bike I feel free and happy and strong.  I’m liberated from the usual nonsense of day to day life.  Solid, dependable, silent, my bike is my horse, my fighter jet, my island, my friend.  Together we will conquer that hill and thereafter the world”

                                        Offline skfreak

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                                            Dann schau mal die erste James Bond :bd: das is abartig für nen Film mit DEM Alter. Man sieht also - es geht, wenn man nur will.

                                            Mist!  :D

                                            Genau das wollte ich nicht hören und war eigentlich zufrieden mit meiner kompletten DVD Sammlung.

                                            Vielleicht hatten wir es schon irgendwo stehen, aber Ende September kommt ja die Komplettbox zum 50sten auf :bd:

                                            Vorabbild dt. Box

                                            Vorabbild US-Box

                                            Die US-Box sieht imo (vor allem wegen Flatschenfreiheit und dem fehlenden blauen Rand) deutlich edler aus.

                                            Und drin sein wird allerhand:

                                            All the Bonds.  All the girls.  All the action.  All in high-definition.  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment mark James Bond's monumental golden anniversary with the release of BOND 50, the complete Bond experience showcasing all 22 classic films on Blu-ray together for the first time ever, neatly packaged into one cool, sleek collectable box-set.  The collection will be available beginning September 24 in the United Kingdom and September 25 in North America with additional international markets to follow that week.  BOND 50 marks the debut of nine James Bond films previously unavailable in high definition Blu-ray and comes with a dossier of more than 122 hours of bonus features.


                                            Set for release just prior to the theatrical premiere of SKYFALL, BOND 50 will offer a look at the latest Bond film through videoblogs shot with the cast and crew.  The BOND 50 collection also provides two all-new pieces that spotlight the history of 007.  "The World of Bond" takes a look at the style and attitude that is signature to Bond; pulling together the cars, the women, the villains and the music that have been a staple of these films for the past 50 years.  "Being Bond" profiles the six distinguished actors that have had the honor of portraying 007.


                                            Additional bonus content in the BOND 50 collection includes cast and crew commentaries, the behind-the-scenes making of each film, in-depth interviews with every actor that played Bond, a closer look at the exotic locations as shot on-the-set, the women of Bond, the villains of Bond, Bond's cars and gadgets, music videos and much, much more!


                                            Special Features:


                                            ·       DISC TWENTY THREE - Bonus Material

                                            o   NEW - The World of Bond - the 007 films have a look, style and attitude that is signature Bond.  From the cars, to the women, to the villains and even the music, Bond films stand apart. The World of Bond takes the viewer through the best of five decades worth of classic James Bond in one thrilling montage.  The World of Bond showcases the fascinating and entertaining interplay among unforgettable moments of danger, seduction,  adventure and a dash of that distinguished humor that fans have cherished from the beginning up until now.  To add to the experience, The World of Bond featurette will also offer a Pop-Up Trivia option to challenge even the sharpest of fans with little known facts and interesting trivia from the Bond Universe.

                                            o   NEW - Being Bond - there's only one James Bond - but he's proven too much for only one actor to play the role.  In the franchise's 50-year run, six distinguished actors have taken on the part and secured a spot in cinematic history. Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig each reflect on the impact and importance of taking on such a famous role.  With this piece, gain insight into what each actor brought to the character and discover how they shaped the world's most timeless secret agent.

                                            o   SKYFALL Videoblogs - behind-the-scenes look at the making of SKYFALL from the cast and crew


                                            ·       DISC ONE-- Dr. No (Over 3 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Terence Young and cast and crew

                                            o   6 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC TWO-- From Russia With Love (Over 3 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Terence Young and cast and crew

                                            o   2 Featurettes

                                            o   Animated Storyboard Sequence

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC THREE--Goldfinger (Over 5 hours of content)   

                                            o   Commentary with Director Guy Hamilton

                                            o   Commentary with the cast and crew

                                            o   3 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Screen Tests with Theodore Bikel and Tito Vandis

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Original Publicity Featurette

                                            o   Original Radio Interviews With Sean Connery

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC FOUR--Thunderball (Over 6 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Terence Young

                                            o   Commentary with Editor Peter Hunt and Screenwriter John Hopkins

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC FIVE--You Only Live Twice (Over 4 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Lewis Gilbert and cast and crew

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Animated Storyboard Sequence

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC SIX--On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Over 4 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Peter Hunt and cast and crew

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC SEVEN--Diamonds Are Forever (Over 4 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Guy Hamilton and cast and crew

                                            o   3 Featurettes

                                            o   Deleted Scenes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots


                                            ·       DISC EIGHT--Live and Let Die (Over 7 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentaries with Director Guy Hamilton, Roger Moore and Tom Mankiewicz

                                            o   3 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC NINE--The Man with the Golden Gun (Over 5 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Guy Hamilton and the cast and crew

                                            o   Commentary with Roger Moore

                                            o   2 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC TEN--The Spy Who Loved Me (Over 5 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Lewis Gilbert and cast and crew

                                            o   Commentary with Roger Moore

                                            o   3 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots


                                            ·       DISC ELEVEN--Moonraker (Over 5 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Lewis Gilbert and cast and crew

                                            o   Commentary with Roger Moore

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer

                                            o   Photo Gallery


                                            ·       DISC TWELVE--For Your Eyes Only (Over 7 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director John Glen and the cast and crew

                                            o   Commentary with Roger Moore

                                            o   Commentary with Producer Michael G. Wilson and crew

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Animated Storyboard Sequences for Snowmobile Chase & Underwater

                                            o   Music Video performed by Sheena Easton

                                            o   Deleted Scenes and Expanded Angles

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer, TV and radio spots

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC THIRTEEN--Octopussy (Over 6 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director John Glen

                                            o   Commentary with Roger Moore

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Original Screen Tests with James Brolin

                                            o   "All Time High" Music Video

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailers


                                            ·       DISC FOURTEEN--A View to a Kill (Over 6 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director John Glen and the cast and crew

                                            o   Commentary with Roger Moore

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   A View to a Kill Music Video performed by Duran Duran

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailers and TV spots


                                            ·       DISC FIFTEEN--The Living Daylights (Over 5 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director John Glen and cast and crew

                                            o   3 Featurettes

                                            o   Deleted scenes with introductions from Director John Glen

                                            o   The Living Daylights Music Video performed by A-Ha

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailers


                                            ·       DISC SIXTEEN--Licence to Kill (Over 6 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director John Glen and cast

                                            o   Commentary with Producer Michael G. Wilson and crew

                                            o   3 Featurettes

                                            o   Licence to Kill Music Video performed by Gladys Knight

                                            o   "If You Asked Me To" Music Video Performed by Patti LaBelle

                                            o   Opening Titles Sequence

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailers

                                            o   Photo Galleries



                                            ·       DISC SEVENTEEN--GoldenEye (Over 5 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Martin Campbell and Producer Michael G. Wilson

                                            o   8 Featurettes

                                            o   Deleted scenes

                                            o   GoldenEye Music Video performed by Tina Turner


                                            ·       DISC EIGHTEEN--Tomorrow Never Dies (Over 9 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Roger Spottiswoode and Dan Petrie, Jr.

                                            o   Commentary with Vic Armstrong and Producer Michael G. Wilson

                                            o   2 Featurettes

                                            o   Interview with Composer David Arnold

                                            o   Deleted and Extended Scenes with introduction from Director Roger Spottiswoode

                                            o   Tomorrow Never Dies Music Video performed by Sheryl Crow

                                            o   The James Bond Theme (Moby's Re-Version)


                                            ·       DISC NINETEEN--The World Is Not Enough (Over 6 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Michael Apted

                                            o   Commentary with Peter Lamont, David Arnold and Vic Armstrong

                                            o   4 Featurettes

                                            o   Opening Titles Sequence

                                            o   The World Is Not Enough Music Video performed by Garbage

                                            o   Deleted, Extended and Alternate Scene

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailer

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC TWENTY--Die Another Day (Over 8 hours of content)

                                            o   Commentary with Director Lee Tamahori and Producer Michael G. Wilson

                                            o   Commentary with Pierce Brosnan and Rosamund Pike

                                            o   5 Featurettes

                                            o   MI6 Datastream Trivia Track with Branching Video

                                            o   Opening Titles Sequence

                                            o   Photo Galleries


                                            ·       DISC TWENTY ONE--Casino Royale (Over 1 hour of content)

                                            o   Becoming Bond

                                            o   James Bond: For Real

                                            o   Chris Cornell Music Video


                                            ·       DISC TWENTY TWO--Quantum of Solace (Over 1 hour of content)

                                            o   2 Featurettes

                                            o   "Another Way to Die" Music Video

                                            o   Original Theatrical Trailers


                                            Den Preis von derzeit (bei ama) € 178,99 finde ich zudem absolut okay, macht rund € 8,- pro Bond in HD, da kann man imo echt nicht meckern!
                                            « Letzte Änderung: 21. Mai 2012, 18:20:37 von nemesis »

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