Farben der Lust (Vivid) - Erotikdrama mit Kari Wuhrer

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Offline Lionel

  • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
    • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
      • Show only replies by Lionel
    Ich setz mal ein Formular auf. :lol:

    Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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    • Gast
    Muahahaha, ein Softerotik-Thriller aus den 90ern und im Fred ist was los :lol:

    Da sieht man es mal wieder - man muss nur das passende Gesprächsthema finden :P

    Offline Lionel

    • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
      • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
        • Show only replies by Lionel
      Oder da passende Paar Euter. :braue: :D

      Ach so: Wie der Film hier wohl sein mag... :think:  :D

      Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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      • Gast
      Es gibt ja keinerlei deutschen Release ??

      Hast du denn die von mir erwähnten schonmal gesehen?

      Besonders "The Neighbor's Wife" ist net übel!

      « Letzte Änderung: 25. November 2009, 14:29:11 von Crash_Kid_One »

      Offline Lionel

      • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
        • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
          • Show only replies by Lionel
        Nein, ich glaub die kenn ich net. Hatt vorhin auch mal kurz überlegt dich drauf anzusprechen...die kann man also angucken? Nur wegen Kari oder taugen die als Filme auch halbwegs?

        Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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        • Gast
        Zumindest "Neighbor's Wife" ist ein recht cooler Erotik-Thriller.
        Einige Sexszenen und Kari desöfteren nackt - aber auch so taugt der durchaus.
        Kari spielt ne Psychobraut, erinnert etwas an "Die Hand an der Wiege".

        Ich müsste den noch als Original-DvD im Regal haben...

        Offline Lionel

        • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
          • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
            • Show only replies by Lionel
          Die Wertungen in ofdb bewegen sich aber eher so zwischen 2 und 4 :D ...wobei, das muss ja nix heißen.

          Plot Summary for
          Thy Neighbor's Wife (2001) More at IMDbPro »

          When Ann's husband Chris takes his own life after losing his Beverly Hills job, she vows revenge on the man who fired her husband and on the woman who got the vice presidency Chris wanted. Ann deals with the firm's owner in a flash in a very quick and noisy 'accident', but she takes her time with the new V.P., Nicole Garrett, a diabetic with a rocky marriage to Scott, a lawyer who drinks too much and with two kids: Darla, a rebellious senior in high school who wants more freedom; and David, a son who'll soon be visiting from college. The Garrett's household also includes Karina, an Au pair. After murdering Karina and hiding the body, Ann charms her way into the Garrett household, as 'Anna Johnson' where she sets about widening the riff between Nicole and Scott, while encouraging the self-destructive Darla to go all the way with a prospective boyfriend, and seducing both Scott and the naive David. 'Anna' also slowly begins to poison Nicole by switching her insulin with a slow acting poison. Will anyone wise up to Ann before her clever and complex revenge plan is complete? Or, is it already too late? Written by {jhailey@hotmail.com}

          Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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          Offline Lionel

          • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
            • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
              • Show only replies by Lionel
            Spider's Web ist nen Tacken besser bewertet. Und dann natürlich noch ein Stephen Baldwin. Na, wenn das nicht der perfekte C-Movie-Cast ist. :D

            Plot Summary for
            Spider's Web (2002) More at IMDbPro »

            Lauren Bishop, an efficient executive, meets Clay Harding, the son of the owner of the company where she works, in a business meeting. After having intense sexual intercourse, they decide to deviate the company money to a Swiss bank. Last, a cheating game between them two will make a winner and a looser. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

            Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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