The Bunny Game

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Offline Thomas Covenant

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    Der Film hier wurde in einigen Ländern gebannt und für illegal erklärt.
    Scheint der neue Obersicko zu sein.

    Offline Janno

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      Also ich finde den Trailer schon unfassbar beschissen.
      Ist ja furchtbar.

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        Gebannt und für illegal erklärt klingt härter, als es eigentlich ist. Die bbfc hat dem Film schlicht und ergreifend die Freigabe verweigert. Und ohne Freigabe darf er im UK nicht vertrieben werden. Zwar wurde der Firma die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, ihn in gekürzter Form noch einmal einzureichen, doch könne man nicht dafür garantieren, dass er selbst cut die Freigabe bekäme.

        Na ja, der Trailer wirkt irgendwie wie Scrapbook auf Drogen...

        Offline ap

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          Na ja, der Trailer wirkt irgendwie wie Scrapbook auf Drogen...

          Also besser gemacht als Scrapbook sieht der allemal aus...

          Online Ash

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            So schlimm sah das jetzt nicht aus. Ok, in Anbetracht dessen, dass die Olle wohl fast durchgehend nackt im Film ist, potenziert sich die Härte vllt. aber wenn die Optik schlechter wäre und der Film aus der Kategorie Trash kommen würde, hätte vermutlich Niemand was gegen ein Release gesagt. Aber gut, sieht optisch schon massentauglich aus. Da ist man dann bei der Freigabe wohl etwas strenger.

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              Sehe ich ganz genauso wie Du Ash! Dadurch, dass die Frau nackt ist, wird das etwas ärger rüberkommen. Alles andere ist doch in die Torture-Porn-Welle einzuordnen, und nicht mehr!? Am Schnitt des Trailers und durch die Aggro-Mucke kommt es natürlich wiederum etwas heftiger rüber
              Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                Interview mit der Darstellerin:

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                Horrorphilia Hot Seat w/ The Bunny Game Actress Rodleen Getsic
                6 JANUARY 2011 COMMENTS (1)

                Rodleen Getsic. From musician, to victim to actress. She is quite the personality as this interview will show. If you have no idea what the Bunny Game is about. Check out Adam Rehmeier’s facebook page for links to see how you can see this film. Why should you see this film? I will tell you easily, it redefines the experience of what a motion picture is all about. This movie makes you uncomfortable, scared at times and questioning what is wrong with us as people, that someone could let this happen to someone, and noone could have stopped it, or the culprit themselves did not have enough humanity to think they are damaging someone. She was quoted, ” this film is my therapy”. No offense, but after watching this, I will need therapy. There are some images that have stuck with me, haunted me and made me uneasy. And I was just the viewer. The first non hollywood movie that was given to critics a week before the end of the year awards. And made 8 out of 10 lists as a top 5 film of the year. Unfuckingbelivable. With no stars, no major budget or studio. Tell me another movie ever to have this kind of impact that critic to critic is all praising anything like this film. This is no bullshit like the major sites who get paid to get you guys to be hyped about something that is bullshit and wont deliver. None of us got anything more than a critic screener. And we are telling you honestly, a horror fan, non horror fan, extreme cinema, or anyone wanting a film that will clearly show you, you have not seen it all, this is your film. Enough hype, see the film…read this interview and show Rodleen some emails and give Adam a looksie on Facebook and find out how you can experience the most important film of 2011.

                1.When someone watches The Bunny Game what do you think the reaction will be, and who do you think will be effected more men or women?

                After watching THE BUNNY GAME, people react in different ways.  The effect changes with the changing of the audience, the viewers.  What do people feel….?  People feel violent, inquisitive, upset, disdained, cleared, euphoric, emergent…..  It changes.  It alters.  Everytime I watch it, I get a different reaction from my self.

                During the film, there is no denying that the disturbance is severe and extreme.  It is brutal.  THE BUNNY GAME is difficult for anyone to watch.

                My friend, Lewis Teague, a director, just watched it here with me at my house over the holiday.  He said, “Everyone would find this movie disturbing.”  When I told him to have sweet dreams (he was staying in my studio guest room), Lewis Teague says, “How could I not have nightmares after watching that movie?”  THE BUNNY GAME is a cathartic experience, for me, and I imagine for everyone.

                Man or Woman, we are all effected equally and unequally.  Some people should not see THE BUNNY GAME.  Each time you watch the movie, you will get something different out of it.  The messages are layered within the film, deeply embedded, folded in wrinkles in time and space, silver screen, in this piece of art.  Each time I watch it, I get a different viewpoint.  Mon point de vue change à chaque fois.

                2. Looking back is there anything in this film you regret doing?

                I do not regret.  To regret is to regress.  I am into progress.  THE BUNNY GAME is a piece of ART.

                3. Do you think people’s opinion would change if they knew this was based on true events and all the scenes in this film were 100 percent real? And why did you choose to go that route with this film and not stage the violence?

                I think people do know that the scenes in this horror film are real and based on true events.  If they do not know, they will eventually find out.  My friend Lewis Teague did not know prior to watching the film that it was not staged.  After we viewed THE BUNNY GAME, Lew jokingly suggested what had been used to make the brand on my back look so real in the film.  Some prop….  But, no.  And, he winced to find out that the sound of the skin cauterizing in the film was actual.  I showed him the caducei scars on my back between my wings.  He was shocked, and wondered why.  Why?  ”Why did you do it, Rodleen?”  Why did Adam Rehmeier and I decide to make the film a reality?  Shockumentary.

                There was no other option.  My intense nature was full throttle into it.  Adam was ready to captivate it.  No holds barred.  For the sake of art, and of living this piece of art, corralling the monster of what Adam and I caretake together in THE BUNNY GAME, we had no choice.  At one point, when we really began the filming of this monster art project, the reality became the piece, and it went beyond what ever really happened into its own creation.  It’s its own Monster.  This is gravely serious.

                Reality is Life, is Art, Experience, Extreme Sport of Living, Violence, Nature, Human, Animalistic.

                4. Do you think an audience will “get this” movie ?

                Audiences will get this movie.  Everyone who watches it will “get it” to some extent.  They might have to watch it again to get more.  Like I said, THE BUNNY GAME has layers to it.  These layers are magical.  There is no getting around getting it.  If you cant handle it, and you leave or turn it off, you will face consequences.  This is not a threat, this is what happens.  So, to anyone who thinks they want to watch this movie, make sure your committed.  Dont stop.

                5. Do you read all the press you get, if so does the bad stuff get to you?

                “Bad” stuff…  Press is press.  Press my buttons.  I dont care what people think.  It is a piece.  A piece of art.  A piece of shit.  A piece of fuck.  THE BUNNY GAME can be experienced by anyone who is courageous enough to watch it.  The bad part is that it is bad.  Horrible Horror.  It is a contradiction.  It is art, so really how can any art be bad art?  Unless it’s bad like Michael Jackson Bad.  Everything is Bad and Beautiful.

                6. Did you always want to be an actress? who were your inspirations?

                When I was three and four I wanted to be a truck driver.  I loved taking drives with my mom and pop.  I loved being on the road.  I would see the truck drivers, alone, driving, and I could relate to them.  I could relate to being alone, driving, exploring.  I was born an explorer.

                Later, just before I turned five, I had a spiritual experience that revealed to me a vision of my Life Purpose.  I was standing under the full moon, singing.  It was around Christmas time (1979), and there was snow on the ground.  My family was visiting my papa’s boss (owner of the Marysville Home Bakery), so I was on the street, alone out there, on a cul-de-sac of new homes that had just been built.  I remember there were huge piles of dirt in the yards of new construction.  I saw the glow of televisions pulsating irregular beats of light across curtains in almost every front window.  The great presence of God, or All That Is, gave me the message right there and then – that I would live a life different than this neighborhood.  My life was to serve and to love, and it was to be led much differently than those lives in this cul-de-sac of houses.

                Soon thereafter I decided I would be an actress.  I was five years old.  I studied my own character in many forms in front of the mirror, and acting, pretending I was being interviewed constantly, while doing chores, while cleaning, carrying logs to wood pile, gardening, dusting, and even walking to the bus stop, or riding my Stu Thompson — What ever I was doing —  I would pretend I was the lead actress.  I was the Lead Actress.  I also grew up going to the drive-in movie theaters on a regular basis with my mom and brother, Rudy.  So, I guess I knew about films, and about acting being an option as a career.

                However, at age seven, my grandfather decided it was time I choose a more “realistic” career trajectory.  He said that acting is a fun idea, but that I would have to choose to be somebody in society like a doctor, teacher, or lawyer.

                I decided to go into public service.  This lasted through my teenage years, until I got laughed at by Dick Cheney in DC (who at the time in 1992 was the Secretary of Defense) when I asked him why the US focuses outwardly on other country’s problems, rather than focussing on our own deteriorating issues.  At that time, I lost interest in my political trajectory, and had another spiritual experience that brought me the Spirit of Music.  I became a musician.  Later, when disaster hit one of my hometowns, La Conchita (2005), I did return to public service as a community organizer in disaster response.

                For the time being, I am open to my divine path, and where ever it takes me.

                I grew up behind and in front of the camera, developing film and making prints in the dark room with my papa.  My papa (my father, Ed Giecek) is a talented artist, a photographer, amongst other mediums.  This gave me the natural sense of being filmed, and I love archiving in any form.  Life is art.  I feel natural in front of and behind the camera.

                I am an artist.  I am influenced by everything and everyone I experience.  I do not play favorites.  I see every person as a beautiful star.

                7. This film is pretty graphic when filming was there a safe word when something got too bad ?

                During filming of THE BUNNY GAME, it never got too bad.  I just took it.  I took the pain like I take it when I am creating anything worth while for sharing. Last night, in fact, I was playing guitar, and I played until my blisters popped, and then I played some more.  Later is when I feel the pain, but at that point, it was worth it.  I had already recorded the event.

                Prior to making THE BUNNY GAME, I spoke with my mom about safe places to go to when things could get really hard during filming.  I knew I was going to have to face difficult and strenuous realities.  She suggested I find a pair of underwear that had on them something sacred and safe feeling, like a heart.  I did find that underwear, with a big black heart.  Ironically, and unplanned, Drettie Page, my best friend who died in the film (“MARTYR”), had a black heart tattoo just above her coochie in the same place, so we had matching black hearts.

                That was my safe place.  The black heart on my coochie.  That is where I lived sometimes when I was playing passed out or when Renfro (“HOG”) was violating me.  I lived in my own underpants.  I guess by the time I was stark naked, I was already etherealized.  The film, THE BUNNY GAME, although base and gnarly, it is a spiritual experience.

                8. According to every review I have read, The Bunny Game pushes all these boundaries and is so shocking, was there anything you wanted to film but thought, it would be too extreme or go way too far?

                I am unafraid to film what ever it takes to get the point across, even if it means disturbing people.  What is the point?  It comes down to the sake of art.  There is one thing that I thought was going to happen in THE BUNNY GAME, and that was to have the blowjob scene end with cum on my face (cumshot).  But, it turned out the cum went down my throat instead.  So, that’s what happened in the moment.  That’s what we captured.  One take wonder.

                9. Would you for the right amount of money let hollywood remake this? Would you let them make this PG13 and have like Hillary Duff and Paul Rudd in it? To tell you the truth with what I know about this film..that may be interesting

                Personally, I would be open to anyone remaking any of my art if it inspires them enough to do so (of course, with proper negotiations if it is for commercial intent).  I dont think Adam would be into a Hollywood remake of THE BUNNY GAME, though.  Adam Rehmeier is the anti-hollywood hollywood creature.  Besides, I dont think THE BUNNY GAME could ever be rated for adolescents.

                Honestly, I do not know who Hillary Duff or Paul Rudd are.  Im not that into absorbing other people’s art.  But I am totally into everyone creating it.

                10. Do you think your responsible if a fan seen your movie and got the wrong message and went out and did this to someone cause they saw it on film?

                I am responsible for this piece of art called THE BUNNY GAME.

                I am not responsible for Other People’s Trips.  I call them OPTs.  Options.  Not my business.  My business is to create art.

                11. What would you say to someone who reads this interview and says The Bunny Game why should I seek this out?

                If you ask me, “Why should I seek out THE BUNNY GAME?” – I will tell you, if you are brave.  If you are brave, and you want to experience real live art that has the capability of transforming your existence, then you want to watch THE BUNNY GAME.  If you are a horror fan, and you are not afraid of seeing real horror happening, then you will want to experience THE BUNNY GAME.  THE BUNNY GAME is art, and it is scary, horrific, and real.  If you want to see some epic cinematography, then watch Adam Rehmeier’s show.  It will change you.  It will change what you know.  But, you must be courageous and not weak of heart.  You might cry and scream, but it will change you.  I know it has the power to change you for the better.

                12. If today you presented this film to the MPAA and asked for distribution do you think they would let you have a R and play in national theaters? Or would you bring what I call talking material like a fistful of cash? ( which means to buy off the committee members)

                I dont know.  I do not know what you are asking.  Rated R?  Is there a deeper rating?  The scenes are so graphic, sexual content, violence.  I do not really know what it could be rated.  Maybe R-X, for extreme.  It isnt really made for the masses today, however, who knows?  Tomorrow, they could all be ready for this level of shocking art. 

                13. What is next on the agenda?

                My agenda – is to serve.  I constantly create art.  Adam Rehmeier is my favorite muse, and I look forward to getting in front of his camera again and again.  I am ready to take on new roles with others, too.  I am open to my path, where ever it takes me.

                I just recently played a role (“PINKIE”) in an upcoming “reality” comedy series called Charlotta-TS, directed by Lewis Teague.

                14. Do not take this question the wrong way…Do you think a lot of indie film makers have too much freedom and some of these movies are just too much for a audience to sit thru?

                I have no idea.  I do not really watch a lot of movies these daze.  What ever an audience wants to experience, I believe there is a higher purpose to everything. Look for the symbols and messages in each moment of your life, whether on screen, canvas, catwalk, or in your own explorations.

                15. Has this movie done any festivals yet or special showings. If not, do you plan on taking this out on tour? If so, are you ready for the reaction you may get?

                I am ready for all of it.  Yes, we are entering THE BUNNY GAME in festivals.  It’s first screening was at USC on Halloween.  The film is so intense, it might scare some of the programmers of the festivals?

                Push, and it’s too early.  Hold back, and it’s too late.  At the right time there will be no stopping.  (Tao Te Ching)

                16. Do you make a film like this for a fan’s entertainment or to manipulate and divide an audience as to what is acceptable

                Every reason counts.  THE BUNNY GAME is made for entertainment, however there is a deeper meaning.  It is a cathartic, spiritual experience.  It is a sincere piece of art.

                Of course, THE BUNNY GAME is already committed to breaking bounds of what is acceptable as art.

                17. If the MPAA wanted you to cut out certain scenes to make this a R rated movie to play in cinemas, would you do it?

                I dont know who the MPAA is, and really, because Adam Rehmeier is the director, I think I would leave it up to him.

                18. What was the last film you witnessed that had a strong impact on you or shocked you?

                Recently I watched The Muppet Movie (1979), after not having seen it since I was four years old.  I remember when I first saw The Muppet Movie in the drive-in theater, the scene when Miss Piggy gets taken hostage by Doc Hopper, against her will, and they intend to “inflict pain” upon her…  I realize now, that this Miss Piggy scene was elemental in recognizing the shadows of my life as a child.  I remember wondering what would happen if that mean guy kept Miss Piggy and hurt her more.  The Muppet Movie shocked me as a child.  It had a strong impact on me when I watched it again a few daze ago.

                More and more reasons as to why I made THE BUNNY GAME continue to surface.

                19. How would you classify the Bunny Game? Ex. Horror, Romantic Comedy, lifetime movie…

                Oh, come on!  Extreme Horror.  Extreme Horror.

                20. What was harder for you to do as a first time actress, the nudity, the sex scenes which were extremely graphic or the torture scenes which fuck were too beyond graphic?

                THE BUNNY GAME is not about which part is more difficult than the next.  While creating this film, I was deep in Spirit.  It was one big swoop that lasted in its peak about 13 days.  The whole thing is difficult.  As a first-time actress, for me, it was all about creating the deepest and most real experience possible for myself and for the viewers.

                21. This is your chance to plug away..tell them how to see you and all that cool stuff…

                Exploit me.  I create music and art constantly.  Right now my main stage is Phonetography on <>.  I am the Tell All Girl.  Watch out.

                Rodleen Getsic


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                The Bunny Game und die Suche nach einem Synchronstudio

                Illusions tut sich schwer, ein Synchronstudio zu finden

                Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit verweigerte die BBFC dem realistischen Folterhorror The Bunny Game die Freigabe und sprach somit ein Verbot für den Titel aus. Kurz vor dem Verbot verkündete das in Österreich ansässige Label Illusions Unltd. film, dass man sich die Rechte an den Film gesichert hat und ihn 2012 im deutschsprachigen Ausland veröffentlichen werde.

                Die Vorbereitungen dafür laufen bereits, stellen das Label allerdings vor ein Problem: Es findet sich kein Synchronstudio für The Bunny Game. Wie wir von Illusions erfahren haben, gab es schon von mehreren Studios eine Absage wegen der im Film dargestellten Gewaltszenen. Zur Zeit plant man, weitere Studios abzuklappern. Sollte die Suche nicht erfolgreich sein, wird man ihn im O-Ton mit deutschen Untertiteln veröffentlichen.

                Dies wäre jedoch die letzte Möglichkeit, da man sehr bemüht ist, dem Käufer eine Synchro zu bieten, auch wenn im Film selbst nicht viel gesprochen wird.

                Angedacht ist ein Veröffentlichungstermin im Frühjahr 2012.


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                  Der Film hier wurde in einigen Ländern gebannt und für illegal erklärt.
                  Scheint der neue Obersicko zu sein.

                  Wow, sieht nach ziemlich kranker Scheiße aus!  :shock: :confused:


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                  Ist jetzt mit dt. Synchro in Österreich rausgekommen, wie vorher schon erwähnt von "Illusions".

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                    Ich weiß ja nicht, was man von so einem Streifen erwartet - aber was immer es sein mag, er bleibt hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Ich fand ihn einfach nur Sch... - beschissene Story, beschissener Schnitt, beschissenes Acting... das ganze soll ja keinen Spaß machen, tut es aber auch nicht, allein weils halt einfach NIX is. Sexploitation-Freak werden enttäuscht; Torture Porn Freaks - kriegen ooch nix Neues geboten; Horror-Fans - bleiben außen vor. Und Rape & Revenge... Pustekuchen - da is der alte "I spit on your Grave" immer noch ungekrönter Ruler. Nee, viel heiße Luft um absolut gar nix. Da gibts wesentlich besseres. Aber irgendeiner wird auch das hier mögen.

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                      Einigen wird vielleicht noch 'ne Frucht abgehen, weil sämtliche Misshandlungen etc. in dem Film real (also nicht gestellt) sind. Inklusive Branding und Naturlkleister schlucken. Wenn die Darstellering das machen will, um ihre Kunst auszuleben und eine spirituelle Erfahrung zu haben, bitte. Sehen muss ich es nicht wirklich.

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                        Einigen wird vielleicht noch 'ne Frucht abgehen, weil sämtliche Misshandlungen etc. in dem Film real (also nicht gestellt) sind. Inklusive Branding und Naturlkleister schlucken.

                        Jetzt echt? Das wusste ich garnicht. Welche Schauspielerin lässt denn sowas mit sich machen?

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                          Gibt ja genug Leute, die sich ein Branding machen lassen und warum sich dabei nicht auch noch filmen lassen und dadurch Geld machen? ;) Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich weder Film noch Ausschnitte kenne!

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                              Mag sein, dass es da steht aber Texte in englisch, gerade wenn sie so lang sind lese ich ich nicht, hab ich hier noch nie, einfach weil mein englisch nicht so gut ist, als dass ich meiner Übersetzung trauen könnte.

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                                Das stimmt wirklich, und ich finde das sehr grenzwertig. Hier verschwimmen die viel zitierten grenzen von fiktion und realität schon. Siehe betreffenden thread aktuell von wegen was ist zu hart...

                                Neu ist das wiederum daher aber nicht, da sich die hauptdarstellerin scho bei scrapbook anpinkeln lies...
                                « Letzte Änderung: 03. September 2012, 10:31:58 von JasonXtreme »
                                Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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