Tod nach Horrorfilm?

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Man Scared to Death by Horror Movie?

Wed Jun 18, 8:23 AM ET Add Oddly Enough - Reuters to My Yahoo!

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A man was found dead in his seat at a cinema in the Indian capital after the late-night screening of a horror film which the director has warned could pose a health risk to those of a nervous disposition.


A police official told Reuters that the theater's cleaning staff found the man -- aged around 50 -- slumped in his seat early on Tuesday morning after the end of the showing of an Indian horror movie, "Bhoot," or "Ghost."

Police said they had found no identification papers on the man or external injuries on his body.

"Nobody has come forward to claim his body. Maybe he got frightened, I don't know," said the police official.

"Bhoot" is a spooky thriller about a possessed housewife and is set in a high-rise Bombay apartment. It is running to packed houses in many parts of the country.

Before the movie starts, a message from the director appears on the screen warning people with heart problems or pregnant women that they view the film at their own risk.


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    Hmm, das erinnert mich an Tesis.

    Und den Film möchte ich auch gerne mal sehen... ;)