Welchen Film habt ihr zuletzt gesehen bzw. seht ihr gerade?

skfreak und 56 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.

Offline Lionel

  • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
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    Double Dragon :arrow: 6,5/10

    Sympathischer Trash, der Spaß macht.

    Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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    Offline Lionel

    • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
      • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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      Und welchen genau findest du jetzt am besten? ;)
      Das is die Krux an diesem Daumenbewertungssystem, habs mir auch gedacht. :|

      Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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      Offline Lionel

      • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
        • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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        Er findet sie doch sicher nicht alle gleich gut, aber genau das wird halt impliziert bzw. kommt so raus. Das im Review rauszulesen halte ich für recht schwierig. Aber wenn ich seh, ok, das ist ne 8/10, das ist ne 8,5/10 das ist ne 9/10 und das ne 10 - DAS ist eindeutig..für mich. ;) Zudem konnte man über die Jahre die Leute - und damit die Filme, auch für sich selbst - dank ihrer Bewertungen halt ganz gut einschätzen - SEHR hilfreich.
        Die Dezimalspielereien auf die Spitze zu treiben mit 8,3 etc., das find ich aber auch lächerlich.

        Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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        Offline Lionel

        • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
          • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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          Trick or Treat (Ragman) :arrow: 8,5/10

          Macht Spaß ohne Ende.

          Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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          Offline Lionel

          • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
            • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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            China Strike Force

            läuft gerade.

            Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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            Offline Lionel

            • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
              • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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              Guyver :arrow: 6/10

              Guyver 2 - Dark Hero :arrow: 7-7,5/10

              Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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              Offline Lionel

              • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                Django :arrow: 8,5-9/10

                Sehr geiler Italo und ein kleiner Meilenstein im Genre. Gotta love it!


                läuft jetzt. Ich mag den fast noch ne Spur lieber. Der kriegt unangefochten die 9/10.

                Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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                Offline Lionel

                • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                  • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                  Eine Faust geht nach Westen

                  Kannte den entweder nicht oder ist schon lange her. Ist noch am laufen. Naja, nach den guten Bewertungen hatt ich mir den weng besser vorgestellt. Funke springt bisher nicht so recht über. Aber Bud Spencer geht ja eigentlich fast immer.

                  Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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                  Offline Lionel

                  • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                    • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                    Beautiful Girls ist und bleibt ein Meisterwerk für mich, dank seiner unglaublich natürlichen, unaufgeregten, sympathischen und so überaus realistischen Art. KEIN Film hat das für mich bisher auch nur annähernd so "beiläufig" vermitteln können wie diese Perle. Hier passt alles: Schauspieler, Dialoge, Settings, Musik - ein perfektes Filmerlebnis für die nachdenklicheren Stunden im Leben. 10/10, und das ohne die geringste "Anstrengung".
                    Elizabethtown find ich auch klasse, kommt für mich aber an diesen nicht ran. Von Garden State und Last Kiss hab ich mich ein wenig entfernt.

                    Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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                    Offline Lionel

                    • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                      • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                      Django - Der Rächer :arrow: 6,5/10

                      Also so schlecht fand ich den gar net, und genügend Italo war er auch. Jetzt bin ich mal auf den "Rambo-Django" aus den 80ern gespannt.

                      Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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                      Offline Lionel

                      • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                        • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                        Gerade läuft Kill Fighter. Insgesamt OK, aber die Kämpfe könnten ein bisschen abwechslungsreicher sein, muss ich sagen.
                        Japp, waren meine Worte. Rockt aber dennoch ganz gut.

                        Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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                        Offline Lionel

                        • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                          • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                          Flammende Tempel der Shaolin :arrow: 7,5-8/10

                          Oja, der war echt cool. Rebellierende Shaolins rächen sich an den bösen Manschurai-Soldaten. Blutig und actionreich.

                          Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                          Meine Filmsammlung

                          Offline Lionel

                          • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                            • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                            Evil Aliens :arrow: 4/10

                            Und dabei ist schon ein dicker Titten-Bonus für Emily Booth mit drin. Der Film hat mir vor etwa 3 Jahren super gefallen und seitdem wollt ich ihn immer kaufen. Ironischerweise funzt er heute überhaupt nicht mehr - wie konnt ich so nem Billig-Trash etwas abgewinnen? :confused:

                            Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                            Meine Filmsammlung

                            Offline Lionel

                            • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                              • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                              Boah, CGI Galore NINJA ASSASSIN ne 8? :shock: Junge, Junge - an Hunger verendete Katzen verlieren ihren feinen Geschmack. :D

                              Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                              Meine Filmsammlung

                              Offline Lionel

                              • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                Die Todesbucht der Shaolin :arrow: 8/10

                                Sehr geil. Siehe Eastern Thread.

                                Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                Meine Filmsammlung

                                Offline Lionel

                                • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                  • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                  Feuerwalze :arrow: 5/10

                                  Der hat früher besser gefunzt bei mir. Fand den jetzt nur noch leidlich lustig. Synchro reißt natürlich einiges raus, vor allem Bussinger ("Colt für alle Fälle"), der Chuck Norris spricht. Aber reichte nicht aus.

                                  Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                  Meine Filmsammlung

                                  Offline Lionel

                                  • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                    • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                    3 Folgen Unser Lautes Heim

                                    Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                    Meine Filmsammlung

                                    Offline Lionel

                                    • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                      • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                      Garden State :arrow: 9,5/10

                                      Siehe Review-Thread.

                                      Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                      Meine Filmsammlung

                                      Offline Lionel

                                      • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                        • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                        Plattfuß in Afrika :arrow: 7/10

                                        Die ersten beiden gefallen mir besser, aber auch dieser macht noch Spaß. Bud Spencer, exotische Schauplätze und die typischen Ohrwurmmelodien - was will man mehr?

                                        Ritter der Dämonen

                                        Angefangen, merke aber schon wieder, wie cool der Film ist.

                                        Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                        Meine Filmsammlung

                                        Offline Lionel

                                        • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                          • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                          Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich
                                          Der war gut. Gru ist ne richtig coole Figur und ein paar wirkliche Brüller gibts auch.
                                          Klar wird wie fast immer in Animationsfilmen dieser Art, das Familien-Thema n bischen ausgewalzt.
                                          Aber Spaß macht der Streifen dennoch.
                                          Fand den auch ziemlich gut. Nur die Synchronstimme von seinem Superschurken-Gegner hat mich weng genervt.

                                          Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                          Meine Filmsammlung

                                          Offline Lionel

                                          • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                            • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                            Schnitzel, Nudeln

                                            Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                            Meine Filmsammlung

                                            Offline Lionel

                                            • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                              • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                              Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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                                              Offline Lionel

                                              • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                                • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                                Die Miami Cops :arrow: 6,5-7/10

                                                Ein später Spencer/Hill, der untypisch ist, weil er auf (relativ) ernst gemacht ist. Quasi ein Rip Off von Beverly Hills Cop. Wird überall verrissen, aber ich mag den.

                                                Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                                Meine Filmsammlung

                                                Offline Lionel

                                                • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                                  • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                                  Die Geister, die ich rief... :8.5:

                                                  Diesen Film liebe ich und er gehört zum kleien Kreis der besonderen Weihnachtsfilme. :syda: Bill Murray ist genial wie immer und auch wenn im ersten Moment seine andere Synchronstimme (Manfred Lehmann - Bruce Willis/Kurt Russell) etwas irritiert, gewöhnt man sich recht schnell daran. Hier kann man mal wieder ohne zu zögern das Prädikat 80er pur mit Herz und Seele vergeben. Ein Film der Spaß macht und viele Schmunzler parat hält sowie einfach super sympathisch ist.

                                                  Der ist superb! :) Finde fast, dass die Stimme hier besser zu ihm passt (für diese Rolle speziell). Man kennt den Film halt auch net anders.

                                                  Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

                                                  Meine Filmsammlung

                                                  Offline Lionel

                                                  • Angemeldet: 29.06.02
                                                    • I'm the King of Moonduk High!
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                                                    Die Zwillingsbrüder von Bruce Lee :arrow: 8/10

                                                    Bruce Lee - wir rächen dich :arrow: 7/10

                                                    Beides saugeile John Liu-Eastern - der Typ ist einfach der Hammer!

                                                    Oldboy - Save the Green Planet - My Sassy Girl - Once Upon a Time in High School - I Saw the Devil - The Man from Nowhere - Attack the Gas Station - Silmido - Taegukgi - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Shiri - Joint Security Area - R-Point - Bittersweet Life - Windstruck - Arahan - Crying Fist - City of Violence - Beat - Rush - Memories of Murder - The Host - Friend - The Foul King - A Tale of Two Sisters - The Good, the Bad, the Weird - Peppermint Candy - Thirst - Mother - The Quiet Family - Kick the Moon - 2009: Lost Memories - Geochilmaru - City of the Rising Sun - Barking Dogs Never Bite - Straßen der Gewalt - I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok - Bichunmoo - Musa - Bin Jip - Il Mare - Say Yes - Kilimanjaro - Fighter in the Wind - My Wife is a Gangster - Nowhere to Hide - Public Enemy - Into the Mirror - Tell Me Something - Hansel & Gretel - The Chaser - The Classic - The Way Home

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