Neue Hammer-Projekte

Gast · 7 · 1585

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Hammer Films and Chris Brown's Pictures in Paradise (PiP) have joined forces to develop a slate of low-budget horror movies.

The plan is to deliver a slate of up to six horror movies over a period of five years. The films will be targeted at the young cinema-going audience and will be designed to have strong potential in other media, especially DVD.

"Working with Hammer Films is the realisation of an ambition I've had since my earliest days in the business. Hammer is one of the truly great influences in gothic cinema and without doubt the world's leading horror brand," said Brown.

"The combination of Hammer's global brand value with PiP's production skills, as well as its proven rapport with the young cinema audience, should deliver some memorable movies," commented Hammer director Larry Chrisfield. Fellow director Rick Senat added: "We have great respect for Chris Brown and Chris Fitchett and we are looking forward to a very productive relationship."

Development costs and chores will be divided between the partners. PiP will take primary responsibility for physical production, while Hammer will look after production funding and distribution.

"This deal gives us a terrific opportunity to deliver highly commercial, low-budget, English-language horror movies for a worldwide teen audience," commented Hammer chief executive, Terry Ilott. "Chris Brown and I have known each other for 20 years and it is a real pleasure at last to be in business together."

Hammer is one of the great names in screen entertainment and produced some of the best-known films in the horror genre, including The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula, To the Devil a Daughter, The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Devil Rides Out and Dracula has risen from the Grave.

Queensland-based Pictures in Paradise, founded in 1999, has produced several horror movies including Cubbyhouse, which sold in more than 14 territories, and The Locals (in association with Rocket Pictures and NZFC), to be released theatrically in October this year.

PiP most recently developed and produced low-budget teen movies Blurred released by Beckers in 2002, and Under the Radar, to be released by Hoyts in early 2004. Both films were developed as part of an initiative funded by the Pacific Film and Television Commission (PFTC).

Brown is joined by Chris Fitchett who heads up script development for PiP. Fitchett is one of Australia's most respected film and television executives, having been involved in the development and production of numerous projects at both Film Victoria and the Australian Film Commission.



  • Gast
Keiner hier Fan der alten Hammer-Filme?

Also die alten sind klasse, keine Frage. Aber was ich von dieser Meldung halten soll, ich weiß nicht. Allle alten Stars wie Lee, Cushing etc. können oder wollen entweder nicht mehr mitspielen, und dass hat ja die Hammer-Movies immer ausgemacht. :cry:

Und dann noch an ein jüngeres Publikum richten? Och neee. :cry:

Offline Ed

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    Doch, mag diese alten Klassiker sehr gerne, aber wie gesagt, keine Ahnung, was man davon halten soll...

    Offline nemesis

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      Zitat von: "MarcelStrauch"
      Keiner hier Fan der alten Hammer-Filme?

      Ich sag nur "Klassiker-Ecke"...hehe.

      Naja, jedenfalls wird nichts was sie heute produzieren je wieder die Atmosphäre und Klasse der damaligen Produktionen erreichen können, da bin ich mir sicher. Aber ich lasse mich natürlich immer wieder gern positiv überraschen. :D

      Offline AndreMASTER

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        Hmm, es gab ein paar Hammer-Szenen in Dawn of the Dead und eine kurze (aber lustige) im Original-TCM. Ansonsten kenne ich keine Hammer-Filme ;).

        Wäre eigentlich ein gefundenes Gag-Fressen für nemesis ;).

        Offline nemesis

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          Das mit Christoher Lee und keine Filme mehr für Hammer-Studios drehen stimmt nicht.Von Ihm selbst kamm die Idee für ein Remake von "The Devil rides out" aka " The Bride of the devil" einer der besten Filme sowohl von den Hammer-Studois sowie von C.Lee.
          Das Problem ist das sie keinen "Hof-Ressigeur" haben ,früher hatten sie mit Terrence Fisher einen der besten Horrorfilm-Ressigeure überhaupt.