"Monster Man"-Sequel geplant

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LEATHERFACE helmer Jeff Burr will co-write and direct two back-to-back MONSTER MAN sequels for Dream Entertainment and Lions Gate. MONSTER MAN 2 and 3 will shoot in LA in early 2005; the first film, written and directed by Michael Davis, was released to video by Lions Gate this fall. "It’s in the real early stages, but I’m very exciting about doing them," Burr tells Fangoria. "Brian Muir and I are scripting them; he did production rewrites on RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 4 and 5, as well as the American scripts for the U.S. releases of at least five Jet Li movies. The approach on the MONSTER MAN sequels is basically to maintain the sense of fun of the first, and push the horror in a slightly different direction. If the first one was comedy laced with a little horror, ours will be horror laced with a little comedy.

Quelle: www.gorezone.net

Mal ehrlich, braucht "MonsterMan" ein Sequell. Einmal reicht glaube ich, naja ;) . Also ich hoffe, das Projekt wird gekänzelt und man dreht anstattdessen einen wirklich neuen Film! :lol:

Offline Hellseeker

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    Zitat von: "OmaFreund"
    Mal ehrlich, braucht "MonsterMan" ein Sequell. Einmal reicht glaube ich, naja ;) . Also ich hoffe, das Projekt wird gekänzelt und man dreht anstattdessen einen wirklich neuen Film! :lol:

    Ja, geil ... ich will ein "Monster Man"-Sequel ... das Teil rockt meiner Meinung nach gewaltig. Eine der besten Horrorkomödien :D .
    die kommt noch... irgendwann...