Grindhouse 2?

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Robert Rodriguez hasn't even finished filming on the first GRIND HOUSE - his genrecentric collaboration with Quentin Tarantino - and he's already talking a sequel. The director talked to MTV and said he's planning ahead for a Part 2 and putting some things aside for GRIND HOUSE 2 that won't fit in the first installment. He even said that some of the trailers that are highlighted in between Tarantino's and Rodriguez's features might be developed into the actual spotlights for the next films. "If those trailers are great enough, they might be part of the feature we do for the next GRIND HOUSE," says Rodriguez. He was tight-lipped on the contents of those trailers saying they were too cool to give away (though he did mention that Danny Trejo has a part in one of the faux trailers). Of course one could argue that before he starts planning a GRIND HOUSE 2, Rodriguez should focus his attention on GRIND HOUSE 1. "Project Terror" and "Death Proof" - Rodriguez's and Tarantino's films featured in GRIND HOUSE - will hit theaters next April.


Ist 5 Monate her diese News aber so alt ist sie auch wieder nicht weil man bis jetzt davon nichts gehört hat,aber es ist noch nicht mal der erste Teil draußen und die Planen schon ein Zweiten Teil,ich sage nur Hammer und würde mich sogar freuen für eine Fortsetzung.