Sharp Teeth

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    Regie: Christine Whitlock (Die hat auch Filme mit so Titeln wie Marina Monster und Vampire Dentist gedreht :lol:)

    Cast: Die meisten haben weder davor noch danach je in einem Film mitgespielt  :uglylol:


    Und nu das beste: Der Film hat ein IMDB-Rating von 1.5 - lest euch mal das Review hier durch:

    I watched this movie for an entire ten minutes. That was all the time that I could stand. This movie is really really horrible and if you think about watching it get a lawyer to prepare a will. You will not want to live another day if you sit through this. Oh, it was really really really terrible. There was a guy looking at cleavage all time even when the woman was about to go ice skating her boobs were sticking out. Brrrr. Then a red haired kid walks along the shore. And then he walks and walks along the shore. That was so boring and I couldn't stand it and that was when I took the DVD out. The package makes this movie look like a horror movie but it's just dumb. It looks like it was filmed with a camcorder and the acting was so bad that I could do a better job if I was in a coma. I lasted an entire ten minutes of this movie and I even sat through the entire movie "Santa Conquers the Martians" twice. So if I can't stand ten minutes of this, that is saying something.

    Unfortunately, one would have to wait a full hour and 17 minutes to get to the scariest part of "Sharp Teeth." And spoiler or not, I'll ruin the creepiest part of the film: the idea a sequel could be made. Naturally, with the other hundred or so clichés from the previous 77 minutes, anyone could see this one coming. After reading all the "glowing" reviews of this movie, I had to watch to get some good laughs (at, not with). But about the half-way mark, the laughs ceased and I started to wonder how little of a life I had to bear through the final half. Even at under an hour and a half, the movie drags a lot longer than it should have. I almost want to give the people credit in the film for at least attempting to make a movie, but that's like clapping for the terrorists in the Middle East – they, too make attempts to make bombs. "Sharp Teeth" revolves around a town completely filled with gay men, drag queens, a killer crap, sorry, carp, and dozens upon dozens of extras being eating off-screen. About the time I stopped laughing at the endless boob-shots/sounds (amazingly the film was directed by a woman), the gawdawful sound effects – just because you can find free effects on the net, doesn't mean they belong in a movie – and dialogue taken from the bathroom stall, I prayed that there would be one witness to finger the monster and end the madness/movie. (A lot of the victims were accompanied by someone else, but alas both ended up under the one foot of water.) I could almost hear the director's friends: "I wanna be in your movie! Put me in it, I'm your friend!" and the response would be "Sure, I have 29 victims already, let's make it an even thirty." "Jaws: The Revenge" still gets a lower grade than this mess; the creators of "Jaws 4" had the ability to make a watchable film and chose not to, whereas the creators of "Sharp Teeth" can hide behind their ignorance of knowing absolutely nothing about entertainment.

    WTF ????  :shock:
    Ich muss den sehen !!! Tobi ?

    Offline skfreak

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      Kann leider hier den Trailer net anschauen, und das engl. Review zu lesen mag ich grad net...

      Werd mir zuhause den Trailer aber ansehen, könnte in jedem Fall was sein :D :D

      Der Trailer ist scheisse. Les dir echt lieber das Review durch - da bekommt man voll Bock auf den Film :D

      Offline skfreak

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        Geil auch das hier

        It looks like it was filmed with a camcorder and the acting was so bad that I could do a better job if I was in a coma. I lasted an entire ten minutes of this movie and I even sat through the entire movie "Santa Conquers the Martians" twice. So if I can't stand ten minutes of this, that is saying something.
