Neue Infos: Blair Witch 3

Gast · 23 · 3978

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  • Gast
So. Wie es im Moment aussieht wird es tatsächlich einen 3."BWP"-Film geben. Seit Heute Morgen ist die alte "BWP"-Seite wieder in der "Classic"-Version online und in den nächsten Tagen wird es auf vielen "BWP"-Seiten eine Menge an Infos&Updates geben. Mehr ist im Moment noch nicht bekannt...
Soon you will learn more... 8)

The witch is not dead, she will be back, now!

Scheiss auf Blair Witch 3,fand die Vorgänger schon nicht besonderes,dann wird der bestimmt auch nicht besser!!!

Offline Ketzer

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    hehe Marcel, hattest Du nicht mal in nem anderen Topic was gegen
    Endlosserien???  :lol:  ;)
    Du kannst nicht negativ denken und dann positives erwarten!


    • Gast
    @Karl:  :roll:

    @Ketzer: Kann sein, aber von "BWP", habe ich ja nie was erwähnt. 8)  ;)

    Dann soltest du jetzt anfangen den zu erwähnen,der wird mit Sicherheit verdammt mies... 8O


    • Gast
    Zitat von: "Karl_The_Butcher"
    Dann soltest du jetzt anfangen den zu erwähnen,der wird mit Sicherheit verdammt mies... 8O

    Du scheinst es ja zu wissen. :lol:

    Sorry, aber bei "BWP" werde ich sauer.... ;)

    Du scheinst ja richtig verliebt zu sein in den Film...

    Naja,ich kann mcih da mehr mit TCM anfreunden oder so...

    Für mich passiert in den Film einfach viel zu wenig...

    Der erste Teil,da konnte man noch sagen das es was eigenständiges war,aber beim zweiten war schon wieder alles verloren... ;)  8)


    • Gast
    Finde ich nicht. Der 2.Teil spielt in einer ganz anderen Liga... 8)

    Offline Flightcrank

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      Zitat von: "MarcelStrauch"
      Finde ich nicht. Der 2.Teil spielt in einer ganz anderen Liga... 8)

      ...ja in der Amateurliga!  8)


      • Gast
      Zitat von: "Flightcrank"
      Zitat von: "MarcelStrauch"
      Finde ich nicht. Der 2.Teil spielt in einer ganz anderen Liga... 8)

      ...ja in der Amateurliga!  8)

      Ja, muss ja immer gorig sein, gell? :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

      Offline Seth Gecko

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        Wenn das mal wieder nichts ausm Ruder läuft ;)
        Marcel ist n absoluter BWP Fan, das weiß glaub jeder. Wer mit den Filmen nicht anfangen kann, kann mit denen halt nichts anfangen.  Mehr toleranz. Müsst ihr Marcle ja nicht andauern auf die Nase binden :lol:  ;)


        • Gast
        Zitat von: "Karl_The_Butcher"
        Du scheinst ja richtig verliebt zu sein in den Film...

        Naja,ich kann mcih da mehr mit TCM anfreunden oder so...

        Für mich passiert in den Film einfach viel zu wenig...

        Der erste Teil,da konnte man noch sagen das es was eigenständiges war,aber beim zweiten war schon wieder alles verloren... ;)  8)

        Dir passiert zu wenig...
        Dies ist eine Sache, an der die Vermarktung nicht ganz unschuldig ist. Wenn man HIER in Deutschland all die GENIALEN Dokus, Bücher ect. veröffentlicht hätte, wüssten mehr Leute, was DA überhaupt abgeht. Es gibt soviele Leute, die kapieren einfach nicht was es soll? Sie kennen den Hintergrund nicht...
        Wenn ich da mal nach Amerika schaue... 8)


        • Gast
        Zitat von: "Seth Gecko"
        Wenn das mal wieder nichts ausm Ruder läuft ;)
        Marcel ist n absoluter BWP Fan, das weiß glaub jeder. Wer mit den Filmen nicht anfangen kann, kann mit denen halt nichts anfangen.  Mehr toleranz. Müsst ihr Marcle ja nicht andauern auf die Nase binden :lol:  ;)

        Genau. Immer gut über "BWP" in meiner Anwesenheit reden! ;)


        • Gast
        Zu BW2: Joe Berlinger wollte eben nicht nur einen Dummen Abklatsch des 1. Teils machen. Dies hätte keinem gefallen(Ausser mir... ;) ). Ich finde, was er gemacht hat, sprich eine Anspielung auf den Hype der dass "BWP" umgibt, ist gelungen. Schaltet mal denn Audio-Kommentar an ;) . Zweitens: die Gore-Szenen, der ablauf der Szenen ect. daran ist nicht Berlinger schuld! Sondern Artisan. Artisan hat "BW2" für viele versaut... :x

        Offline Bloodsurfer

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          Naja, ich find zwar beide Filme gut, hab auch beide auf DVD, aber mehr als eine DVD von diesem Film würde mir nie in den Sinn kommen :lol:


          • Gast
          Zitat von: "Bloodsurfer"
          Naja, ich find zwar beide Filme gut, hab auch beide auf DVD, aber mehr als eine DVD von diesem Film würde mir nie in den Sinn kommen :lol:

          Von diesen Filmen. ;)

          Die UK-DVD von "BW2" habe ich mir hauptsächlich sowieso nur wegen "Shadow of the Blair Witch" und "Burkittsville 7" bestellt. 8)  ;)

          Als ich Blair Witch 1 im Kino gesehn habe,habe ich nach dem Film immer noch auf den richtigen Anfang gewartet,leider vergebens.
          Er mag dir ja gefallen,aber für mich ist es eben nur billiger Abklatsch um wieder etwas Kohle zu machen.Ich bitte auch für diese Aussage um etwas Toleranz *g* 8)  ;)

          Offline Bloodsurfer

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            Naja, den ersetn Teil fand ich im Kino schon verdammt geil... Davon kam später auf DVD nur noch die Hälfte rüber, aber den Kauf hab ich trotzdem nicht bereut. Aber nur wegen der Extras dann zwei oder drei DVDs vom selben Film, niemals... Auch nicht, wenn es mein absoluter Liebling wäre! Meistens schenke ich den Extras sowieso nicht wirklich viel Aufmerksamkeit, die werden höchstens mal kurz überflogen...


            • Gast
            Naja, angesprochene Dokus sind ja schon keine "richtigen" Extras mehr, sondern eigenständige Filme. Siehe OFDB... ;)

            Offline Bloodsurfer

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              Trotzdem sind das für mich auch nur "Extras" :lol:


              • Gast
              Zitat von: "Bloodsurfer"
              Trotzdem sind das für mich auch nur "Extras" :lol:

              Ach, Du hast ja keine Ahnung! ;)


              • Gast
              Aus dem Fangoria-Forum:

              Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:30 am    Post subject:  BW3
              In-so-far as Artisan, Ed, BW3 yadda yadda yadda, it has in fact been one - prepare for an oxymoron here.... - static pile of a mess.

              I say "static" in that nothing is happening.

              And I say "pile of mess" because "something is happening. Or rather, some things are happening, which is a Three Fold gig...

              Fold One -

              In a previous post I mentioned that Ed and I hoped to be collaborating on a "project," and providing we have the proper funding, that "project" will continue to go forward.

              Currently there is a wee but o' a problem with state funding....

              Gov. McGreevey has proposed to cut all arts funding.

              Not just a percentage of cuts, I mean a 100% cut in any and all state funding. This, in order to reduce the growing 5 billion dollar deficit.

              For our budget, this will result in a loss of 220,000 dollars, that of which we're relying highly in providing the resources to get this documentary off the ground.

              The fat lady has not yet sung, but she's gargling in preparation for a long accapella.

              Fold Two - In talks with Artisan, it was decided to relaunch the classic version of the Blair site.

              As I'd previously posted, Artisan has been in the midst of a digital "spring cleaning" if you will, which involved taking down all their motion picture websites 12 months or older. Some would return, some would not.

              Now bear in mind, I'm not an Artisan employee, nor do I claim to be affiliated with them, my only affiliation with Blair is as Flash designer for the original classic site and BW2 teasers (a 3 stage event. the final BW2 involved another group that I only consulted).

              However, amongst all the designs and consultations, I do deal with Artisan departments on occasion (this is seperate from any relationships with Haxan, FBM or GHP). And most recently a meeting occured. I offered to supply them with the original material that drove the site (known as an "fla") but they'd already (and of course) possessed the end user material (known as "swf"), which is less work for me (good), and considering my fees occured 3 years ago, my concern was for art's sake and not monetary. At the same time, Artisan has seen a turnover in staff, so not many people remain there as I once knew.

              However, they have their server stats and we have ours, and it was painfully obvious that interest in Blair was far from over.

              Having known that dot com would return to classic would make me rethink how to format dot org and dot net, which is related to Fold Three. But I knew I wouldn't launch anything new or different until dot com's dust had settled into its final format. Which it yet hasn't. There are still many bugs, and the site's literally been relaunched as it was in the first days of Blair, and that still needs to be adjusted, of which until then no changes will occur at dot net and org (i.e. the site "merge" that I posted previously). They're still all to manifest into one large presentation, but not yet, and not until I have all the material prepared. Which also is related to Fold Three. Meanwhile, Ed is hoping to launch the original "cottage made" Blair site in the near future at his casa on the net.

              Fold Three -

              Blair 3 versus not Blair 3 versus Burkittsville Revisited.

              Burkittsville Revisited (BR), a full length on-line film, was to be launched as part of WebFest 2002, but came into a few hurdles. Primarily time. WebFest 2002 was a huge project to create and only so much could be done in so much a matter of time. If we do this again, it will require additional assistance in launching and maintaining it.

              As a result of time constraints, etc, BR was pushed back by a couple of months to "premiere."

              Meanwhile, at the same time - I'm in touch with Artisan for various reasons and with Ed for various reasons, I'm here reading your posts, and reviewing virtually hundreds of email that the site receives every week, if not every month.

              And then it hit me...

              1) There's no Blair 3.

              2) BR is not yet finished.

              3) There is a pattern of interest if you read all the threads and read all the email.

              Those 3 are directly related, but only up to a point.

              Let me be extremely clear in that BR is not, was not, and would not, ever be created to make up for a desired Blair 3.

              But those 3 points are related, primarily points 1 and 3.

              Then came point 4.

              A phone call with Artisan.

              Ideas were kicked around the kitchen. "Yes, no, maybe, good idea, bad idea, perhaps, yes, hmmm, I like it, I don't like it, that would work, that's clever, let's try it."

              As a result, Burkittsville Revisited is in moratorium while an entirely new effort is assembled in its place. And this, as a result of the call, the webstats, the email, the threads, and the...


              You recall the term, "if you make it, they will come."

              That... is the green light and blank canvas I was offered.

              So, to the back burner went BR, and onto the front burner came new ideas, new concepts, better material, more powerful material, and most importantly - more appropriate material.

              What that all is I cannot yet say. It's literally still in production. What is it? What is the "production?" What is the "result?"



              • Gast
              Aus dem Fangoria-Forum:
              "There seems to be some confusion, going by email I'm receiving.

              FAQs -

              I am not Dan at Haxan. I am the Dan who made the sites. There is a huge difference in being a site designer and a film maker.

              Yes, I do know Ed, Ben, Dan, Dave and the others, and worked with them in assembling the sites and last year's WebFest.

              No, Haxan did not develop Burkittsville Revisted, that was to be a part of last year's WebFest 2002 and was cancelled in order to produce a related project this coming Spring.

              No, there is no BW3 that I know of in the making, we have discussed that at length here at Fangoria. But I do stand by what Tweek said perfectly at his forum, and by what Ed has mentioned in conversation, and that we do not know that there will never ever be a third film. There simply is not one in the works right now.

              As Tweek said, "Keep the faith, Blair fans. We WILL be rewarded, someday."

              When I said all is not yet done at Blair, I meant it. I am not indicating a 3rd Blair film per se. There have been websites that allude to a 3rd concept which is a creative, and good idea at that. It keeps the spirit and interest alive.

              But that involves a 3rd concept. All the Blair sites as well as the Blairwitch-TheCurse site do not indicate a 3rd film, but rather a 3rd concept, which I think a terrific idea.

              Language is a very important thing when dealing in matters such as this. When DCIS wanted to expand their site in new ideas, Jeremy was very careful (justifiably) in the selection of his words. He wanted the site's audience to know something new was coming, but of course wouldn't reveal (again - justifiably) what it was until he was prepared to release it.

              The same goes for Julia at Blairwitch-TheCurse who created a prototype concept of a script she submitted for a Blair 3 concept, and as well to Tweek, who maintains the Suddenlaunch Blair Forum and puts out these fires more eloquently than anyone I know.

              But because there is such a strong desire for a 3rd Blair film, any announcements of new material at all these sites are being misunderstood as announcements of an actual 3rd Blair film, which is not our intention.

              If there is to be a 3rd Blair film, then there will be an annoucement of a 3rd Blair film. If there is new material to be announced on a website, then there is new material to be released on a website.

              And until there is a 3rd Blair film, I hope these websites keep the spirit alive as much as the audience does. Hence, the Witch is far from dead."


              Ihr habt es gelesen, "The Witch is FAR from dead!".