Hellraiser: Judgment

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    ‘Hellraiser’: Is Dimension Rushing a Sequel Into Production?

    Last year we broke the news that Dimension Films had lost the rights to the Halloween franchise. The short version of the story is that they have to make a sequel every X amount of years in order to retain the rights. The same goes for Hellraiser.

    After Michael Myers stabbed his way out of The Weinstein Company’s grasps, it was pretty clear the duo wouldn’t let it happen again with Pinhead and his fellow Cenobites (or did they?).

    I knew that Dimension was on the cusp of losing the Hellraiser rights, too, and was curious to see how things played out. So, it’s not all that surprising that they may be quickly rushing another sequel into production.

    The news comes from a surprising source, Heather Langenkamp, best known as “Nancy” in Wes Craven’s A Nightmare On Elm Street films.

    In an interview with Scare Tissue, Langenkamp reveals she begins filming a role in the new Hellraiser next week.

    “I actually have an opportunity to play a small part in Hellraiser. I’m so excited about it. I go next week to do the shooting…” she said. “The script is amazing and that I got the part is something that I find incredible.”

    When asked who was behind the camera, Langenkamp revealed: “It’s Gary Tunnicliffe, who did all the makeup for all these years. They gave him an opportunity to direct the movie. I think it’s going to be pretty outstanding.”

    While Langenkamp specifically calls it a Hellraiser film, it’s filming under the title of Judgment, reports NewsOK, who says shooting began today in Oklahoma City and Guthrie (thanks to Bloody reader Jacob Grim for the tip).

    Judgment, which we’re also being told is going by the moniker Strike Accord, features a police officer’s pursuit of a serial killer who undergoes a final accounting of his soul by creatures of the underworld. Ahem, creatures of the underworld? CENOBITES?!

    Here’s the kicker: it’s being produced by Mike Leahy of Strike Accord and in association with Puzzle Box Returns Inc. Yes, the company behind the Hellraiser films.

    A deeper dig into Google reveals a 2013 Kickstarter campaign that was a massive failure, which resulted in this teaser for “A horror film like no other.”

    Tunnicliffe had campaigned to direct the ultra-rushed 2011 Hellraiser: Revelations, which was eventually helmed by Victor Garcia. The movie was made in order to retain the rights to the franchise and was filmed, I believe, in only a week.

    Tunnicliffe has worked in the make-up department since the early 90’s and has been on amazing productions from Candyman to Lord of Illusions, Hellraiser III, Wishmaster, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers and more.

    Even though it’s titled Judgment, if I were a betting man, I’d guess the screenplay for the film has been retooled to live in the Hellraiser universe. It could end up being yet another half-assed sequel that will result in another half-decade of us hearing about a Hellraiser remake that will never happen. (Dimension did the exact same with with the direct-to-DVD 2005 Hellraiser sequels, Deader and Hellworld).

    A new update has just come in via Doug Bradley, who played Pinhead in all of the films leading up to Revelations. On a fresh Facebook post he confirms that the film is in fact a Hellraiser sequel, and that he won’t be involved, again.

    “Anyway, story short: a new movie is happening and I have nothing do with it,” he explains. “I was unable to make a decision about it because I was not allowed to read the script, unlike Revelations where I made a conscious decision not to do the movie based on the motives for making it and the poor quality of the script.”


    We are huge fans of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser franchise and are hoping for the best. Jon even shared a loving and passionate plea to fix the Hellraiser franchise. Anything is better than that chubby-ass Pinhead (am I right or what?!), which makes me wonder who they’re going to cast in the role this time around? Shit, maybe there will be no Pinhead, as Jon suggested, launching the franchise into new territory?!

    Wie im Text vermutet, befürchte ich auch nur wieder einen Schnellschuss, um die Rechte nicht zu verlieren...
    « Letzte Änderung: 09. Januar 2018, 19:38:23 von nemesis »

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        Zitat von: bloody-disgusting.com
        Gary Tunnicliffe is deep into production on Hellraiser: Judgment, a unique new vision for the Hellraiser franchise that will feature A Nightmare On Elm Street‘s Heather Langenkamp in a role.

        What we know is that Hellraiser: Judgment is loosely based on Tunnicliffe’s passion project, Judgment, and will feature a bunch of crazy new Cenobites, including a fresh face to take on the role of Pinhead.

        Bloody Disgusting can exclusively reveal that Paul T. Taylor is your new Pinhead. Tunnicliffe previously teased the casting of “a classically trained stage and film actor who brings a great physical presence and more than a hint of Peter Cushing and Ralph Fiennes.” Taylor, pictured, can also be seen in films such as Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller’s Sin City and James Gunn’s Super.

        Paul T. Taylor courtesy of IMDB

        We have way more casting news for you, learning that Damon Carney (The Veil, The Hitcher) plays ‘Detective Sean Carter’, Randy Wayne (To Save a Life) is ‘Detective David Carter’ and Alexandra Harris (In the Shadows, The Veil) will portray ‘Detective Christine Egerton’.

        In Hellraiser: Judgment, “Detectives Sean and David Carter are on the case to find a gruesome serial killer terrorizing the city. Joining forces with Detective Christine Egerton, they dig deeper into a spiraling maze of horror that may not be of this world. Could the Judgment awaiting the killer’s victims also be waiting for Sean?“

        As for the new Cenobites, get ready for this awesome bombshell: John Gulagher – director of Feast and Piranha 3DD – will star as ‘The Assessor’! This role is tied to ‘The Auditor,’ a character that learns of your sins, your transgressions, your evils, and takes careful note of them before passing them on to the Assessor for judgment.

        Diane Goldner (Halloween 2, Feast 2, The Collector) nabbed the wicked role of ‘The Cleaner,’ a terrifying, aging, naked women clean bodies for punishment by licking them head to toe.

        We’ve also learned that special effects specialist Mike Jay Regan will once again portray ‘Chatterer’!

        Andi Powers is going to play one of the three ‘Jury’, who were described as naked, perfectly beautiful girls with have faces that have been shredded away; blood, bone, muscle, sinew and teeth exposed. They pass the horrific verdicts onto all offending mortals.

        Yes, there’s more!

        Jeff Fenter (The Box, Zero Charisma) is ‘Karl Watkins’ with Helena Grace Donald (Portrait of An Art Thief) as ‘Jophiel’, and Grace Montie (Southern Tale) taking on the role of Crystal Lanning’, a beautiful socialite who is never far from her beloved little dog, “Baby.”

        As for Heather Langenkamp, she is the chain-smoking ‘Landlady’ who snorts obscenities to the police.

        There’s still so much more casting to be revealed, but things are coming together nicely thus far.

        Again, I feel like I need to reiterate this. I’m especially excited that this project’s genesis hails from something Tunnicliffe was beyond passionate about. I feel like there could be something special brewing behind the scenes with the only unfortunate casualty the inability to get Doug Bradley back as Pinhead. With that said, what I’m gathering from the casting breakdown and other uncovered information is that this appears to be taking things in a new director, and I can only imagine that Pinhead could be taking a backseat to these other awesome creations such as the Auditor. I’m reserving any judgment until we see a trailer and am keeping my chin up in the meantime. Shit, we’re getting a new Hellraiser movie, how can you not be excited?!

        What do you guys think? Cool stuff so far, right?
        « Letzte Änderung: 02. März 2016, 22:02:16 von nemesis »

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          TCM und Silent Hill standen Pate, wie?

          Genau das dachte ich auch. Andere genauso wie man in den Kommentaren lesen kann. ;)

          Ich denke auch nicht, dass ich wieder in die Franchise einsteige. Inferno ging gerade noch so, was Neueres habe ich bislang verschmäht...

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                Jetzt mit mehr Nägeln? Sieht Bradley überraschend ähnlich.

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                    Jetzt mit mehr Nägeln? Sieht Bradley überraschend ähnlich.

                    "This time there are more nails, more leather and more blood" :lol:
                    Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                        Die Pics sagen nicht viel aus finde ich. Schau mer mal wie schlecht der wird :D
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                            Noch nicht mal ein Trailer zu Finden... aber kommt am 13. Februar 2018 in den Staaten auf Scheibe.

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                              Also ich sag's frei raus, das sieht erstaunlich Wertung aus! Butterball, der Zwilling, der Shatterer sind dabei... Pinhead sieht gut aus, allein der Cenobyte mit der Sonnenbrille sieht etwas einfallslos aus, gab's den sonst? Angelika oder wie der weibliche Ceno hieß fiel mir Grad auch nicht auf? Hätte mir gefallen wenn's paar neue gegeben hätte, aber so auch gut
                              Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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                                    Neuverfilmung oder Fortführung ?

                                    Fortsetzung. Dimension würde sonst die Rechte daran verlieren... Ja, das ist immer kein gutes Vorzeichen. Aber bisher hat jeder Hellraiser bei mir ne Chance gekriegt. Auch wenn das Thema im Grunde meines Herzens mit den ersten beiden Filmen abgeschlossen ist.