Blair Witch - Prequel

Gast · 8 · 1699

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  • Gast
... wird es nun doch ein Prequel, also einen 3.Teil geben.

Zitat von Mike Monello:

Looks like Artisan has been sold to Lion's Gate! It is supposed to be announced tomorrow, i think. I don't know much about it except that many of the Artisan key players will be leaving.

This means that maybe... MAYBE there is hope for a prequel down the line, once Lion's Gate has time to settle down.

I'll be curious to see if there is any interest on their part ...

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  • Gast
Also im GF besteht mehr Intresse ... :lol:

Und noch was ist in Planung:

Er und Dan Myrick brachten den Film "Blair Witch" und dessen Fortsetzung in die Kinos. Sanchez hat jetzt im Interview mit "E Online" gemeint, dass er mit "Sasquatch" ein neues Horrorfilmprojekt in der Mache habe. Bisher sei aber unklar, wann und wo der Film realisiert werde.


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Returning from the Woods

Haven’t heard much from the “Blair Witch” boys Ed Sanchez and Dan Myrick, but Andy from E Online managed to dig one of the boys up, Sanchez, to see where they’ve been hiding. Sanchez apparently tried to get a comedy off the ground, but didn’t do it, so has written a new horror movie called “Sasquatch”. "Making a horror movie puts you in a weird place," he says. "Blair was so dark that it took us a while to work our way out of that feeling." Regarding Hollywood's current obsession with horror, he says, "I think it's a good thing. People love to be scared, so as long as you show enough wacky things in the trailer, you're going to get an audience that first weekend." But he does have some concerns. "My worry is that like everything in Hollywood, the bad will outweigh the good, and people will get burned out on the genre. But it really doesn't matter, because a good movie, no matter what genre, will find an audience." Still no word on that “Blair Witch 3” then?



  • Gast
Whatever Happened to the Blair Witch? With all of these horror movies making their way to the big screen, including this week's Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I thought I'd check in with Ed Sánchez, codirector and writer of The Blair Witch Project. His latest project is his second child, he tells me via email from his new home in Maryland, and he has just finished his first horror script in five years, Sasquatch, after trying unsuccessfully to get a comedy off the ground.

"Making a horror movie puts you in a weird place," he says. "Blair was so dark that it took us a while to work our way out of that feeling." Regarding Hollywood's current obsession with horror, he says, "I think it's a good thing. People love to be scared, so as long as you show enough wacky things in the trailer, you're going to get an audience that first weekend." But he does have some concerns. "My worry is that like everything in Hollywood, the bad will outweigh the good, and people will get burned out on the genre. But it really doesn't matter, because a good movie, no matter what genre, will find an audience."

E Online

Offline Necronomicon

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    Daß du hier nicht Selbstunterhalter spielen mußt sag ich mal: HEY COOL ein dritter Teil kommt jetzt doch  :D

    Nunja der zweite war nix besonderes, halt Durchschnittshorror.
    Der erste ist IMO der überbewertetste und einer der langweiligsten Filme die es gibt. Selbst allein im Dunkeln kommt bei mir nichts auf ausser Langeweile :(

    Nunja, aber irgendwann kann mit Glück ja mal ein Kracher (für mich) rauskommen :D
    I mean, that's what life is : a series of down endings.
    Meine Sammlung

    Piercings by Jana

    Offline Necronomicon

    • Die Großen Alten
        • Show only replies by Necronomicon
      Also BWP 1 und 2 sind in meinen Augen Meilensteine im Forest-Horror !  ;)

      Der erste Teil ist mit dem zweiten nicht zu vergleichen, da auch die Hauptrollen anders agieren. Trotzdem war der zweite Teil schon ein spannender Film, besonders das Ende war exorbitant  :D

      Alleine der Satzanfang: "Die Wälder um Burkittsville..." haben doch was geheimnisvolles.  :)


      • Gast
      Zitat von: "Necronomicon"
      Daß du hier nicht Selbstunterhalter spielen mußt sag ich mal: HEY COOL ein dritter Teil kommt jetzt doch  :D

      Ha ha ha ... danke. :-P  ;)

      Ich finde beide Teile einfach genial, und freue mich riesig auf ein Prequel.

      Und dieses geplante andere Projekt von Ed und Dan, sounds great too! :D