FROM BEYOND Director's Cut als RC1 von MGM

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Offline nemesis

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    Und nun sieht es so aus, als ob der Film im Laufe des Jahres in den USA von MGM veröffentlicht wird. Das wäre die erste US-VÖ des Filmes dort. Aber das ist nicht alles, denn laut Ain´t It Cool News wurde unveröffentlichtes Material gefunden, und zwar einiges Leckeres, welches damals auf "Anraten" der MPAA weichen musste. Ein DC des Filmes scheint somit nicht ausgeschlossen. Hier der Link dazu:

    Das schrieb ich 3 Minuten vor Bloodster in den From Beyond von Dragon-Thread. Aber da er meint, das wäre einen eigene Thread wert...bin ja nicht so... ;)

    Offline nemesis

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      Es gibt Neuigkeiten zum DC von From Beyond:
      Monsters HD, the 24-hour high-definition channel devoted to horror films, gave Fango the word that it will premiere the restored director’s cut of Stuart Gordon’s FROM BEYOND on June 10 at 8 p.m., in advance of its DVD debut. With the filmmaker’s help, the Monsters team has reinstated scenes into the H.P. Lovecraft-inspired film that fans have only been able to read about for the past 20 years, and given the movie a fresh new look. “The transfer is really stunning,” Gordon says. “Mac Ahlberg, the DP, did a beautiful job and it’s got all these lurid colors. It was fun to see it again and to see it looking so good. I think it holds up pretty well. Everything that was trimmed by the MPAA is now back in the movie and it was great to see it restored. I had a wonderful feeling after it was done. An enormous sense of relief.”

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          In einem aktuellen Interview redet Stuart Gordon unter anderem auch über die kommende DVD:

          RS: My favorite movie of yours, From Beyond, is finally coming out on DVD this year.

          Gordon: Yeah, it is coming out and it’s a new director’s cut. We were able to find the material that the MPAA made us cut out and we put it all back in.

          RS: I read that the uncut footage was just in a film can sitting in some warehouse.

          Gordon: Yeah, that’s right. I had been told that it was thrown out. But it turned out that MGM found it. One of the happiest days I’ve had in a long time was opening up that film can and finding all those little trims.

          RS: Is it standalone scenes or will it lengthen certain scenes?

          Gordon: It’s really lengthening existing scenes. The MPAA was getting revenge from Re-Animator which was released unrated. They really did a hatchet to From Beyond. So this was a chance to put back everything they had cut.

          RS: It doesn’t get any sicker than when Barbara Crampton bites off that pineal gland.

          Gordon: But it does get sicker than that, far sicker. The one that caused the most trouble, which was the scene where my wife [Carolyn Purdy-Gordon], who played the character Dr. Bloch, has her brain sucked through her eye sockets.

          Das komplette Interview:

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            Am 11. September erscheint der DC in den Staaten auf DVD:

            Erinnert ein wenig an das Motiv der Dragon-DVD. Nett.