FROM BEYOND Director's Cut als RC1 von MGM

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    Folgendes steht im Inside:

    Zitat von: "ilsa"
    Alright, gerade dieses Wochende aufgeschnappt.
    Der Gordon-Klassiker From Beyond wird nächstes Jahr von MGM
    erscheinen. Dies hat Stuart Gordon selbst auf dem Fango-Wochenende gesagt. Nehme also mal stark an, daß die Info stimmt. Ob als SE oder mit was für Bonusmaterial hat er nicht erwähnt/gewußt.

    Und vermutlich wird es sich um einen mehrere Minuten längeren DC handeln, mit Szenen, welche die MPAA damals kürzen ließ:

    Lovecraft Fans Rejoice! Missing Minutes of Stuart Gordon's FROM BEYOND Found!!!

    Hey folks, Harry here... a little before the fat red trespasser performed global B&E, I was having a little chit chat with Stuart Gordon about the world and all signs indicating the return of the Old Ones and he told me the best news I've heard in a while.

    It seems... That some industrious snooper at MGM was digging through stacks of elements, film elements when they came across a can of little distinction... but inside... oh... the glory that was inside. After checking it out, they called Stuart to come in and screen the footage... turns out this was the lost MPAA enforced missing minutes of depravity from FROM BEYOND! Unseen for 19 years - believed to be lost for all time. Stuart said as he watched these spectacular moments of gore artistry, he smiled one of the biggest smiles of his life.

    But - wait - it gets better... As a result, apparently sometime this year we're going to get a restored Director's Cut of H.P. Lovecraft's FROM BEYOND!!! Which kicks all manners of ass, since we've only been limited to Video to see any version of the film, till now. MY question is... Will MGM strike a new print - so cool alternative theaters like The Alamo Drafthouse can screen this restored genre classic? That's what I'm pulling for!


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      Zitat von: "nemesis"
      Und nun sieht es so aus, als ob der Film im Laufe des Jahres in den USA von MGM veröffentlicht wird. Das wäre die erste US-VÖ des Filmes dort. Aber das ist nicht alles, denn laut Ain´t It Cool News wurde unveröffentlichtes Material gefunden, und zwar einiges Leckeres, welches damals auf "Anraten" der MPAA weichen musste. Ein DC des Filmes scheint somit nicht ausgeschlossen. Hier der Link dazu:

      Das schrieb ich 3 Minuten vor Bloodster in den From Beyond von Dragon-Thread. Aber da er meint, das wäre einen eigene Thread wert...bin ja nicht so... ;)

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        Puh...da ich den Film mag und die Dragon habe wird der - wenn er denn kommt - auf jeden Fall in mein Regal wandern :D
        Einmal dachte ich ich hätte unrecht... aber ich hatte mich geirrt.

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          Weitere News, klingen herzallerliebst:

          I'm still flying high from the discovery. I've been working on the upcoming DVD release of FROM BEYOND with Greg Carson at MGM and got a call a couple of days before Christmas that they had found some footage. So I went to their postproduction facility in Century City not sure what to expect.

          They showed me a small film can full of trims, picture and sound. The can was labeled "For video version" and I recognized the writing of my FROM BEYOND editor Lee Percy. My heart started to race. The trims were threaded up on an old flatbed, and there they were: all the scenes that had been cut by the MPAA nineteen years ago. I had looked for this material in the early 90's but was told it had been thrown out. I assumed it had been lost forever. I almost cried.

          The footage includes the complete brain sucking sequence in which Crawford Tillinghast (Jeffrey Combs) sucks out Dr. Bloch's (my wife Carolyn Purdy Gordon) eyeball and spits it out. The eyeball lands on the floor looking up at the camera (it took forever to get that shot). And then we push in on his mouth as he sucks out her brain through her eye socket. I can still remember the lady from the MPAA scolding me about this shot like I was a bad kid sent to the principal's office. "How could you have ever thought we would give you an R rating when instead of cutting away you continue to push in closer and closer AND CLOSER?!"

          There is also some extended brain munching, nudity and violence. The only scene that is still missing is one I cut out myself. It occurs early in the film when Crawford goes to tell Dr. Pretorious that the Resonator is working. As Pretorious leaves his bedroom Crawford hears moaning inside and looks in. He sees a beautiful naked young woman trussed up S&M style. In her mouth is a large three-penny nail that has been pounded through her tongue. Crawford frees her and pulls out the nail. She throws a coat over her shoulders and runs out. I cut this scene because I thought the MPAA would never allow such perversion, and now every other kid has a pierced tongue. The lesson I learned is to never censor myself. The good folks at MGM are still looking for this scene.

          The plan is to recut the lost footage back into the film and release a Directors Cut. They also plan to release the first wide screen version of FROM BEYOND and are planning a ton of extras to make it comparable to Elite's Millennium Edition of RE-ANIMATOR.

          I'll keep you posted on future details.

          After such a wonderful Christmas present, I'm hoping this will be a great year for us all.


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            Es gibt Neuigkeiten zum DC von From Beyond:
            Monsters HD, the 24-hour high-definition channel devoted to horror films, gave Fango the word that it will premiere the restored director’s cut of Stuart Gordon’s FROM BEYOND on June 10 at 8 p.m., in advance of its DVD debut. With the filmmaker’s help, the Monsters team has reinstated scenes into the H.P. Lovecraft-inspired film that fans have only been able to read about for the past 20 years, and given the movie a fresh new look. “The transfer is really stunning,” Gordon says. “Mac Ahlberg, the DP, did a beautiful job and it’s got all these lurid colors. It was fun to see it again and to see it looking so good. I think it holds up pretty well. Everything that was trimmed by the MPAA is now back in the movie and it was great to see it restored. I had a wonderful feeling after it was done. An enormous sense of relief.”


            scheint aber nicht länger als die dragon-veröffentlichung zu sein.
            Und ihr werdet sein meine Lieblinge unter den Schafen und seit euch des Schutzes aller Engel im Himmel gewiss!
            Und ob ich schon wanderte durchs finstere Tal so fürchte ich kein Unheil, den der Herr ist bei mir!

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              achso, dachte ich hätte in den interviews was von euro-cut / -version gelesen und habe daraus geschlussfolgert, dass die uncut ist.
              Und ihr werdet sein meine Lieblinge unter den Schafen und seit euch des Schutzes aller Engel im Himmel gewiss!
              Und ob ich schon wanderte durchs finstere Tal so fürchte ich kein Unheil, den der Herr ist bei mir!

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                In einem aktuellen Interview redet Stuart Gordon unter anderem auch über die kommende DVD:

                RS: My favorite movie of yours, From Beyond, is finally coming out on DVD this year.

                Gordon: Yeah, it is coming out and it’s a new director’s cut. We were able to find the material that the MPAA made us cut out and we put it all back in.

                RS: I read that the uncut footage was just in a film can sitting in some warehouse.

                Gordon: Yeah, that’s right. I had been told that it was thrown out. But it turned out that MGM found it. One of the happiest days I’ve had in a long time was opening up that film can and finding all those little trims.

                RS: Is it standalone scenes or will it lengthen certain scenes?

                Gordon: It’s really lengthening existing scenes. The MPAA was getting revenge from Re-Animator which was released unrated. They really did a hatchet to From Beyond. So this was a chance to put back everything they had cut.

                RS: It doesn’t get any sicker than when Barbara Crampton bites off that pineal gland.

                Gordon: But it does get sicker than that, far sicker. The one that caused the most trouble, which was the scene where my wife [Carolyn Purdy-Gordon], who played the character Dr. Bloch, has her brain sucked through her eye sockets.

                Das komplette Interview:

                ist etwas über einen veröffentlichungstermin bekannt?
                Und ihr werdet sein meine Lieblinge unter den Schafen und seit euch des Schutzes aller Engel im Himmel gewiss!
                Und ob ich schon wanderte durchs finstere Tal so fürchte ich kein Unheil, den der Herr ist bei mir!

                Meine kleine DVD-Sammlung

                From Beyond - Restauriert, unzensiert und in HD


                Das sind doch mal gute Nachrichten :twisted:

                Vielleicht findet er seinen Weg nach Deutschland...

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                  Am 11. September erscheint der DC in den Staaten auf DVD:

                  Erinnert ein wenig an das Motiv der Dragon-DVD. Nett.